
the most effective weapon against terrorism is to not mention it and pretend it never happened.

If this is sarcasm, well done.

uh, these are kids. Someone was just murdered on campus - there is having a stiff upper lip and there is understanding that these are kids and that they need to get away from this. They are not hardened military combat units. 

As I said, this monster can’t go five minutes without reverting back to form. He’s Hitler’s faulty clone. Fucktard McFuckface needs to go.  Him, Pence, and every asshat they’ve appointed since January 20th 2017.   If we can’t vote out every single Republican on the tickets in a few days... then we better prepare for

But could you imagine if oppressed people in America actually took Trump’s advice and began arming ourselves openly?”

You may think that... but imagine instead him living out the rest of his life without hair products or bronzer. Forced to wear an orange jumpsuit and eat prison food. I would much rather him die in prison then be put to death quickly.

Great flagfucking Jesus, man.

I had a “conversation” with a false flag jackass yesterday. I said that if we were going to pull theories out of our asses, mine was that gay aliens from Mexico, not Mexicans living in the US, but spaceship-flying gay aliens who had hidden their ships beneath an Aztec pyramid, were behind the whole thing. Go big or go

How did Saudi fuck up execution. Journalist is dead. Seems like that was a success.

Because you know A) he didn’t fucking write it and B) he doesn’t fucking mean it and C) he doesn’t fucking understand the words he said when he was saying them.

Bomb threat: Saying “I will bomb you.”

Fortunately Trump speaks a rare English dialect known as ‘fucking idiot’ that is extremely difficult for foreign language speakers to learn, let alone master.

White House officials say they can only hope he refrains from discussing classified information when he is on them.”

There needs to be a flag option for “It’s super dumb and not helping”

I’d like to affirm what Fozberry said. “Uh, NO”.

I can’t tell if Threat Level Midnight is sarcastic or just catastrophically stupid. With the way things have gone, it’s pretty 50/50.

Who the hell let Alex Jones out of the grays? Investigate? 


Uh, no.

Tron still has so much potential. Sigh.