
I’m continually amazed that there are thousands, maybe millions of people living in the same world as me but experiencing a completely different reality. Like, they see the same events I do and have access to the same information I do, yet they come to such bonkers, obviously impossible conclusions, like “men face a

would buy

I approve this plan.

The only “disability” that the White House recognizes is Trump’s unwillingness to learn.

Haha, perfect! Thanks for the headcleaner. 

One group raises money for worthy causes, will blow of steam and frustration in a symbolic ‘hexing’, and will do no actual harm to anyone, vs one group protecting serial rapists and paedophiles, trying to deny people their legal and human rights, and using their unprovable religious beliefs to insist the first group

“I sent this to a load of exorcists yesterday and their reaction was similar to mine,” said Thomas. “That shows this is not something that is make believe.”

“She was a punk”

If you literally CAN’T do your job then you’re in the wrong profession, my dude.

Ah but in my case my greatest motives are played out for millions, on the Internet and on television and even still in print!

Why call your former sex partner a "horseface"? He's essentially saying that he seeks out ugly women. He may not be retarded, but he sure is close. And is he really unaware of how ugly *he* is? Let he who is without blemish cast the first stone. He's nauseating. 

Hopefully faster?

According to the New York Times, Toles said Sunday that the responding officer told him Mueller felt “uncomfortable” about him being in the building. Toles let the officer know he was the tenant of the apartment, and the police left without citing anyone.

It’s the tackiness of it that’s killing me. It’s the kind of painting I’d expect to see advertised in the old 1980s Reader’s Digest magazines in my grandmother’s bathroom.

“It is a scary time right now. Sarah Sanders has been run out of restaurants.”

The cops completely protected a bunch of neo-Nazi pissants who were actively engaging in violence and harassment. All because the police have been told over and over by their worthless partisan unions that “Antifa is the enemy”, and that toxic culture has seeped into law enforcement nation-wide. The gap between the

You guys, my mom, who has voted republican as long as I can remember, just texted me to tell me she’s voting for Democrats this fall. I’m still not hopeful about it the election, but I feel like at least some of my belligerence has paid off. 

HE DOESN’T KNOW THE MEANING OF THE WORD NO!!! What don’t you understand about this!!!!

Actually they are coaching him and encouraging him to go full on Trump. Without the crying, he could have totally been Trump.