That bitch wore almost the same thing last year. He should try harder, straight guys always want to wear the same thing and think they can get away with it. Lazy douche.
That bitch wore almost the same thing last year. He should try harder, straight guys always want to wear the same thing and think they can get away with it. Lazy douche.
Demi? , Vanessa? Both? = Torta (see below)
Selena has ugly pasties on underneath. Do an X over nipple instead. Just make it look like she has giant pepperoni nipples.
She was underage at the time. The picture looked like being in the after glow of sex.
Is she fucking all of them?
a/s/l ?
Does anyone see “CUNT” on her outfit? I’m trying to find it, I’m looking hard, I know it’s there and so obvious.
Is the director threatening the parents with child neglect if they take the kids to her facility?
The director sounds like she is hiding something. Report her to licensing to get to the bottom of this.
That’s silly because Demi is a TORTA (see below). She thinks she is skinny, lollololololol. Whatever you say boo.
So sad. If only it could have been prevented or the danger removed. If only...
You can’t take the hood out of them.
Why not do this for moobies? Using the rotten tomato reviews?
That is too much to read right now. In the mean time....
I just put Criminal by Fionna Apple on repeat. Bonus playing the video on 50” Flat TV on repeat.
It needs a nice beefy ass that has been trained by squats, wake me up when that happens.
Aliens go to hell when they die because god didn’t make them.
Wood Plough