
Absolutely true. But it was the 90s! A simpler, more hateful time.

STFU about Hillary Clinton! The election was over 8 months ago!!

Why is it called this? You have to actually research to find it is about Zelda Fitzgerald.

We all thought that with GWB. Now, even myself, look back on those days with rose-colored glasses.

yeah you have a point. I think I just want him to have a firmer grasp on his own continuity and i'm ready for it to start over.

Am I? Maybe. Everything about it just seemed so half-assed, especially the effects. I swear CGI from 2002 looks better.

Singer can't even be bothered to care about HIS OWN CANON from movie to movie. God he sucks. X-Men Apocalypse was a flaming pile of poo. He really sucks right? I'm not just making this up?

that deal you can get now where you get the system PLUS mario kart PLUS another top tier game(choose wind waker) is just..unreal. i already had the dang thing but people who waited are lucky. also this game is just incredible. teti is right when he says it looks better than anything on ps4 and xbox one. it's almost

it don't make no sense to go after someone who did something 20 years ago. people would think seth rogen was having a schizophrenic episode.

yeah i've played at a venue like that here in brooklyn. it is the worst, greediest and creepiest idea ever. you can practically see the dollar signs coming up in their jackass brains as they came up with it.

It's a sad yet true fact that Japan is quite a ways behind us when it comes to gay rights. I mean, they don't have the kind of hatred for gay people that exists in our religious and southern communities, but gay people don't really have any rights either. So, yeah, Nintendo being a Japanese company, this is not

yeah I feel the show can't be cancelled either, not because of whedon so much, but because it would damage the brand and show that marvel properties are not invincible and up until now it's been a fairly perfect track record. Count me in as one person who started watching the show, hated it and tuned out and tuned in

yeah if anything it was cathartic to see a bunch of bad guys die! that willem dafoe looking dude especially.

to give that crew something to do in the first half of the season, no doubt.

norm macdonald!

unfortunately the skrull race falls under purview of fantastic four which is 20th century fox. that kind of stuff really pisses me off.

for a rapper this is true, but in obama's case when that was said it actually meant "he only cares about black people because he is, in case you forgot, black. also, vote for the white person because you are white."

Sucks! Where will I go to buy cables that are five times more expensive than other places??

actually on its always sunny, they never showed them doing it which is what i meant. they rubbed it on their gums but never snorting.

it's not just me but it's pretty rare to see cocaine use on a channel like comedy central? i mean it'd be one thing if it was inferred or they did the cutaway. didn't know this taboo had faded! that's pretty cool.