
I think the biggest one, in terms of real practicality for everyone, is nuclear energy. There is so much anti-nuclear people whose argument against it is purely emotional. Three-mile island is a good example of just plain ignorance and fear triumphing over facts and reality.

Ricky! Do/have you ever play(ed) Dungeons and Dragons?

There are so many to name and the discussions covered all the big ones.... but how about the following titles... MDK is cool, but Shadow of the Colossus has room to improvise a deeper storyline too...

I worked as a systems administrator and analyst for the DoD and now I am a web developer for the DoD. I can say, from personal knowledge, that doing anything with the government comes complete with a ton of "crap" that go against anything that is done in the private sector. I think CGI gobbled up Uncle Sugar's money

I think all this lost Star Wars footage surfacing might be a viral marketing thing to make it more fresh in our minds... after all, a new Star Wars movie is germinating and the old fans have been so alienated, this might be a way to attract the old-schoolers...

We're so jaded in this culture, that once a show gets praise by our peers, it becomes "hyped." All these shows are great and the reason why they're rated so high is because they are quality programming. In some ways, I wonder if people are just mad they weren't able to discover the show "before it gets big." STOP THE

These shots are great - and I don't like sounding crass - but these pictures are so much better than a spray painted stencil beaver on a cracked wall.... *prepares for Banksy apoligists to attack*

You're kidding yourself if you think the US should be in the top 7!

I used to work in IT for the Army and it's not just cyber security training that's totally lame. Their anti-terrorism training, sexual harassment training... all of it is pretty weak. Now I work for the Navy and guess what? It's still the same.

So it sounds like Boardwalk Empire...

Who or what is that?!

People speak fondly when Reagan knocked out the FAA strike - if Obama did the same to these truckers, would it have the same effect?

When I see "black dwarf" I think of Beetlejuice.