
People ask, "How did Rugby and American Football come from Soccer?" This is how.

As a web developer for the US Navy and formerly a developer and system administrator for the US Army, I would say that in the complete workforce of the US government, the biggest challenge isn't the lack of coding, but the total lack of any basic computer skills beyond checking Facebook and watching YouTube - and that

Does anyone else want a Kevin Sorbo cameo in this?

Doesn't this look a bit like Baywatch text?

Why are people here waxing poetic about porn from yesteryear?! Reminiscing about more "natural" bodies? Do you miss bush, too? It's all the same, man. As long as the subject is hot, it's all the same.

Very concise and cogent arguments, but you forgot to add that brutality, porn, and incest are strong draws as well.

I work for US government and there are throngs - dare I say, a plethora - of luddites who are baffled by Shift+Click multiple items, CTRL+C, etc. And these are folks who've been using the computer for their day-to-day work for the last (at least) 10 years.

I know South Africa is a violent place with a lot of shitty people there, but why the hell would a burglar be in the bathroom? And he fires blindly through the door? Okay....

After living in Germany for about 4 1/2 years, my beer snobbery was turned up even higher. Best beer in the world:

Some of the methods I learned from a security manager for destroying US Top Secret and NATO Atomal documents downrange included using an NSA-Approved cross-cut shredder, then taking the paper dust and burning it and then taking the ashes and putting them in an acid. Talk about overkill....

There's a reason why humans are referred to as longpig....mmmm.....longpig.

I watched something once that showed Fijians making kava-kava and it was a bunch of women chewing the plant and spitting it back out in a large bowl to be drank by everyone.... I'll stick to smoking weed and tripping off DMT, thank you very much.

This is why they need to play in a floating arena in space.

I think it's best not to ponder the ways and means of the midwesterner... their culture is an enigma, puzzling anthropologists for ages.

Everyone knows that unicorns became the narwhal!

So, will throngs of sexy women be attracted to the blast? Hmm.... sexy-bomb, indeed!

I wasn't feeling it about 3/4ths of the way through and when I felt like finishing it, too much time had gone by, which meant I needed to reread it and that was an instant turn off.... fnord.