Nacho Sammich

All of that is one of the reasons I chose not to have children. And when I think about the world future generations are going to be forced to live in, I’m so grateful for my decision.

Ironically the local chicken joint of my childhood, for a time, employed a young man who also sold “nuggs” out of the drive-through.

Still the most awestruck I’ve ever been was when my old Retriever ate an entire 5 pound sack of sugar, bag included, in the time it took my to go outside and grab another bag of groceries.

They just politely want to water down your beer and eradicate you from the face of the Earth. But at least they’re not as nasty as, like, Pennsylvanians.

Yes.  Most of it is chain BBQ. 

So when you have your Ice-T with Ice Cubes, do you also add Tupac of sugar?

Also, John Bolton and PNAC.

John Bolton, as a member of PNAC, has wanted to go to war with Iran for decades now. Nominating and electing an intellectually incurious and easily manipulated President is part of their strategy.

Closet Haze-bro here. I’m not mad. All these beers in the top 5 are dynamite. I’m one of those dudes who still gets giddy when I have a couple Pliny’s in the fridge.

The other element is the optics of impeaching a president during wartime.

To play devil’s advocate, I really don’t think Trump wants war with Iran. You can’t give him credit for much, but for all his talk of fire and fury with NK and his screaming about nukes, he KNOWS an endless war in the Middle East is bad news for a president. He won’t do it unless he KNOWS he’ll be the good guy or can

If there is another 9/11-type attack between now and November 2020, we are going to war with Iran whether they have anything to do with it or not (see also: Iraq 2003).

GOP faithful hate Iran.

I think the rules are different with Trump and we need to stop worrying about historical precedent. There might be some who insist that you can’t criticize him, though I’d bet most of those guys are already in his tribe. The rest of us don’t view him as a normal President, but Donald Trump. He’ll get criticized plenty

Iran and Trump’s desperation to get the “war time bump” in approval ratings.

Iraq definitely had a ton of support post-9-11. After all that crap I really don’t think most people want war with a country three times larger. Even the most frenzied trump voters I know haven’t been for bombing Iran the way they were about Iraq. 

Is the idea of war with Iran popular though?

Is the idea of war with Iran popular though? I get that in the past there have been initial bumps, but we were in a really weird space going into the latest Iraq invasion, and Afghanistan came on the heels of 9/11 so everybody was ready for action. But it seems that they’ve done a pretty shit job selling this war. I

“Bloviate incoherently and carry a wet noodle.” Donald J. Trump (Stolen from a Slater)

I think it’s adorable you think there’s any kind of coherent strategy here