Ooooh. I want to try this.
Ooooh. I want to try this.
Best take yet!
Kill your coworker. Gift his heart to Katie as an act of contrition.
“Hey, sorry about my coworker, some people have zero awareness.”
Here’s a pro-tip. Keep your kids at home until they can behave. Here’s another, even if they can behave, don’t take them to bars, or grub-pubs where adults are trying to have a good time with other adults.
It’s also removing the name of a pro-segregation racist senator from the building, so, really two middle fingers to Trump, in a way.
It’s simply a giant “fuck you/middle finger” to Trump.
Wow, I had totally forgotten about the Triple Decker Pizza, although I’m sure my arteries haven’t.
It is a gun meme. All gun memes assume that all gun owners are right wing. It's annoying as fuck
Big New Yorker.
satirical performance art
oh well thats just someone rushing your order out or potentially fast tracking it by putting some water in the pan and putting the lid on it. made properly you should never have snotty eggs. Personally I just cant risk over medium because more times than not the yolk is way over set.
if your whites aren’t getting cooked enough then what are you doing ? you flip the egg there is no way for whites not to get cooked you have direct connection to the pan on both sides of the whites.
Absolutely. This contest is a sham.
The problem with “medium” is that they often overcook it, so you end up with a fried egg. If I wanted a fried egg, I’d have requested one!
Me and my old roommates used to marathon Christmas episodes of sitcoms and cartoons every year, yours sounds better.
That’s funny cause in my family we have Mary Christmas. I’m Irish so I’m related to dozens of women named Mary, the week between Christmas and New Years is Mary Christmas cause that’s when they visit.
Still mad they took the spicy chicken biscuit off the menu, and I’m waiting for them to release the spicy strips everywhere!