Nacho Sammich

Unfortunately, you also have Hoosiers, as well as a HIGH percentage of the populace who thinks—in spite of being north of the Mason-Dixon—that they are down-home southerners because MURRICA or something.

We used to do this with SoCo, or so I was told.   


Yeah my sisters old Goldie had this same love.  They visited my parents one summer and brought him along for the week.  On the first night my parents forgot to put their bread away and he housed two loaves of bread that night.  


“I meant to shame him in private, everyone else wasn’t supposed to find out”

Probably Borderlands 2 since it’s free on PS Plus right now and I’ve finally gotten around to playing it.   I’ll probably mix in some fucking about in Red Dead 2 or Minecraft.  

This is a fair point.  

This is actually a fair point. Iran very will could be just the current shiny object for president baby hands.  

His base isn’t going anywhere IMO. I think the mainstream repubs have had the same desire for a war with Iran that Bolton has. This would get them/keep them in the boat for 2020 if you do it close enough to the election for the “Support the troops!!11!!1" shtick to be effective.

This is just window dressing to hide the giant boner the whole administration has for a war with Iran and Trump’s desperation to get the “war time bump” in approval ratings.   My guess they’re going to try to drag this out so that it will still be in the “honeymoon phase” of war approval for the general election.   If

I never got the super piney notes from it it’s always been a more of a bright and bitter citrus IPA for me. I will say this has always been a beer that has shifted a bit year to year as it seemed to be more honey forward and sweeter some years than others and even noticed considerable difference between bottle and tap

Expedition Stout is fantastic but a special release big stout. Usually drops in the winter. It’s a great beer with a year or two of age on it too if that’s your thing.

Haze bros gunna be sooo mad 

Obesity, heart disease, and diabetes, That’s what The South does!!!

Fuck Yes.  

Lo mein is always better cold than hot.  

The greatness that is the cold meatloaf sandwich is the reason why I more often than not request meatloaf as a meal for when I visit my parents. While my mom’s meatloaf is fantastic it’s really the meat loaf sandwiches for lunch/a “snack” that I’m after. I use sriracha instead of aioli so it has a bit of a kick, but

I got Kevin Barely edging out David, but mainly because I have never had Jay’s chips.  Those things sound right up my alley though.  Time to hunt them down.  

“She’s the smartest of the lot” Is what I said. This is referencing her as the smartest of the Trump offspring and not just in general if you take into consideration the context of the entire comment.