Nacho Sammich

This is the realest shit ever wrote about the legislature here. It’s GOP/Father knows best when it comes to the will of the voters.

Exactly this. He’s a racist narcissistic that will openly embrace anyone that feeds him adoration. I would bet the white nationalists and Nazis secretly see him as an useful idiot and wish he was riding harder for their cause. The Nazis, grifters, and The GOP all see him as a useful idiot and an in to get what they

The only way to stop a bad fire is a good guy with fire!!!   

Coors light is perfectly acceptable down here in FL when its in the 90's with 100% humidity. So about 6 months out of the year.

Sadly this game will never get what I wanted most.... Some kind of Co-Op for story mode. The ability to play the story, hunt, fish, or just aimlessly dick around with a friend or two in the story mode would have been awesome. The online world is still too grindy and even with the patches trolling/griefing is still an


Sorry Joe while you may think it’s a great strategic move this won’t pull away any of Trump’s base and will alienate a bunch of Democrat voters.  This thing is off to a roaring start... 

Many seniors need help making ends meet and socialization so I see this as a good thing.

I thought this was a thing everyone did.  Guess I was mistaken 

As a Floridian nothing else would make me happier.  Fuck DeSantis 

I ride or die for my Pineapple Pizza Fam

Bacon, Pineapple, & Jalapenos allll day! It’s Salty, sweet, fatty richness, smokey, spicy, and acidic everything you need. Throw some hot sauce on there for good measure and it’s an elite pizza.  

Murd Murd Murd, Murd-Murderer Bird

Harley Davidson needs to rebuild from the ground up with a fresh, affordable product line directed toward the youth market. Their current market is middle aged, fat, and rapidly dying of various heart problems, and they absolutely need to reestablish themselves as a desirable brand for younger Americans and, more

This is where it’s at! My go to mom n pops theater has the same kind of topping bar and I pretty much never butter my popcorn now.  

Mmmmm Cochon.  That place is a must hit spot for me everytime I’m out that way. 

Mmmmm Cochon.  That place is a must hit spot for me everytime I’m out that way. 

Mmmmm Cochon.  That place is a must hit spot for me everytime I’m out that way. 

As an avid spice lover I run into the same thing at Thai, Indian, Vietnamese, Szechuan, etc places. Without fail anytime I order stuff Thai Hot, extra spicy etc. I get the “are you sure?” “you can’t send it back if it’s too spicy” and all of the usual cliche responses. Without fail what I get will require additional

I wouldn’t put it past the Night King to take his dragon to the Citadel and wipe it out as a tactical move. That would remove any of the history of fighting the While Walkers and how to fight them. It would also “wipe out history” in a more physical form as oppose to the Metaphyiscal way of wiping out Bran.  As long