Nacho Sammich

“Imagine Dragons fan has musical opinions”

None of these corporate fuck boys have the balls to deny Trump his air time tomorrow. 

Trump has never been in a real square up in his life. He may have sucker punched some people, jumped some people with a bunch of yes men types, beat up on somebody who isn’t in a position to defend themselves, or had to be “held back” form “hurting you real bad” by a group of friends but that fat fuck has never been

Democrats have been owning the news cycle the last 3 days so Big Wet Boy has to get up there and say some outlandish shit because he doesn’t like anyone else being the center of the attention. 

The Hilarious part is they think this is actually a good argument.   Like they think this is some kind of “gotcha” intellectual power move.  

How can Republicans allow this to continue and stay silent?”

Nah, just make a bet with the offending Bro if they are there. I’m betting none of them have any idea what short work a Tesla would make of yanking their brodozer out the charger spots. Easy solution is to walk up to the offending bro and say “I bet you $100 by Tesla can pull your truck out of that spot”. The kind of

This is definitely the behavior of a very stable and well adjusted genius 

Just copies of Jugs and hand cut scrapbooks full of cut out articles about him.

You get to pretend that you’re in on how the world “really works” which is nice when you have no agency in the rest of your life and will grasp at anything that makes you feel in control or important. You will believe anything that gives you hope that nefarious forces in the world are at work and what held you back

Stop them from driving the same kind of trucks with the same kind of LEDs?  

They will slow walk the hell out of this and use “implementation” as the excuse while they figure out some way to change the implementation to some kind of bastardized version that the voters didn’t vote for.  They did the same thing to the medical marijuana amendment as well.   Same playbook, same ass holes,

Gotta cash in on the #resistance graf as so many people who condoned Trump’s behavior for years have/are.  That money isn’t going to make itself! 

People who’s entire mantra in life is basically “fuck you i got mine” have no problems selling fellow vulnerable people up the river for a dollar. It’s exactly why minorities, women, LGBT people, and others get into the grift of being human shields for conservitives to hide behind when they are called out on their

You underestimate the depths of grifter’s love of grift 

Keep lighting them the fuck up.  

We need to take a stance on this nonsense like the Germans do, just straight punch people like this in the face when they start with this.   No warning, no arguing just fists to face.   There’s a reason why shit like this isn’t common in the Nazi Party’s birthplace and it’s because Germans will beat the shit out of

He’s going to promote Stephen Miller isn’t he?  Fuck this timeline 

I know that feel bro.  

As somebody who is called “a gun nut” by my extremely lefty friends (i only have 2 pistols and a shotgun) and frequents gun ranges and other firearms related recreation I can tell you this is NOT the case. The majority of these fucks are poor shots and don’t practice in practical shooting for those kind of situations.