The GOP sends it’s thoughts and prayers. Shit, I mean deepest concerns. I always get my insincerities mixed up.
The GOP sends it’s thoughts and prayers. Shit, I mean deepest concerns. I always get my insincerities mixed up.
Wait, I thought the problem with America is that things were too PC? Careful what you wish for, ass holes.
He knows Putin can destroy absolutely everything he worked for at the drop of a hat. Until that threat is gone he will play by the rules but in the back of his mind he can’t wait to flip on Big Daddy Vladdy the second he knows that what Vlad has won’t get him hauled away from treason. This is why he’s do unhinged…
Detectives just happened to be in the strip club eh? This sounds like she was targeted......
My guess is they’re looking for marijuana edibles and not explosives. This smells like Jeffery Beauregard Sessions......
MTV wants their Rock N Jock softball game uni’s back
The “Peaceful Annexation of the former United States” chapter of our grandchildren’s Canadian History books will be an interesting read.
“It gets even worse: In one story in Florida which Vox cited, an 18-year old woman overdosed and died after being sold fentanyl. Prosecutors charged the man who sold it to her with murder and they charged two men with whom she bought the drugs with manslaughter. “That’s a never-ending job that we undertake, constantly…
This is mighty fine Kinja
Terrible play here. His phone will get overwhelmed so he will just turn his phone off and get a new number before there is any real consequence. If you want to do this right you just pass it off to a few clever trolls who really now how to get after him. In this case, less is more
Predictably playing the “Conservatives are the real victims” card this morning. Agitate then cry and play the victim when you’re rightfully confronted is page one in the conservative/Alt-right playbook and has been for about 6 years or so. This allows them to cherry pick phone video etc play it on their media sources…
Truth! Just about every kitchen at the restaurants these fucks eat at are staffed my Mexicans, Ecuadorians, Guatemalans, Salvadorians, and people from just about every other South and Central American country. I’d honestly like for 1 week every undocumented worker to not show up for work unexpectedly. This country…
The choice of restaurant was no accident here. It was a troll and what happened is exactly what they wanted. Now they can parade around any footage that pops up and claim she is the REAL victim because “she’s just doing her job by enforcing laws the Democrats created. So much for the tolerant left! Looks like fascism…
Between this, the deadlift, and the obviously fake “Murph” time from a few months back Don Jr really is the worst kind of guy you run into at the gym. I bet he also tries to give other people unsolicited “pointers” on their form even though his is pure garbage and he definitely takes up a station while he stands there…
Nothing would make this administration and it’s lackeys happier than the rise of Mexican terrorist organizations targeting Americans and American assets. This would give them free reign to enact all of their evil fantasies. File this under “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature”
“Truly incredible. Putting human beings in cages is kind of the definition of treating them like animals, but it seems Border Patrol seems to think they’re the REAL victim here.”
*Paul Man-A-Cell
Gronk Somewhere: “Huhuhuhuhuhuh”
“Of course it would be rigorous for any normal person! But for somebody with the endurance and vitality of President Trump it takes minimal effort. May our Supreme Leader rule for a thousand years and a day!”
I don’t know where you are and what’s available in distro near you but Terrapin, Anderson Valley, Six Point, and Avery have large distro footprints and have several Gose’s available. Anderson Valley usually seems to have 3 or so varieties out at a time. Their Briney Melon and Blood Orange Gose’s are the tits.