Nacho Sammich

Hopearino! Hope-o-rama!!

Sessions is just there to administer HIS agenda. He will gladly do what Trump wants when it overlaps but he won’t be a total lackey because he knows that will remove him from his current seat of power. He will do just enough to stay in Thicc Wet Boy’s good graces while not doing things that could lead to him to

My guess is they want to have their own “investigation” where Kush did nothing wrong to push back against the obvious corruption Mueller is going to find. If you think the Whitehouse investigation is going to end in anything more than “move along nothing to see here” I have a great mountain cabin just outside of

Lawyers like getting paid. Who knew?

Because in reality none of these idiots chanting about building a wall and deporting people want to actually do the work. Typical right wing bluster just like how Mexicans are taking jobs from hard working Americans when in many cases Americans don’t want to do those jobs in the first place. Also, also most of the

I’m getting “promo code can’t be applied to this purchase” when I enter either code.

I’m getting “promo code can’t be applied to this purchase” when I enter either code.

Jagging off

Compare Bortles stats for this season to Eli’s in 2007. Their seasons are VERY similar

This Jags team is built like the 2007 Giants but with better corners. It’s actually scary how similar they are statistically and personnel-wise. The more the national media focuses on them not having a chance because they are giving the Patriots “Bulletin board material” and how a defense that gave up 40 plus to the

LaDong James

This team is obviously just suffering from economic anxiety

Moises Alou was a strong believer in strong hydration levels too.

If Publix is by you they have chicken tender subs. They are delicious and often on sale.

Down here (FL) most breweries don’t have kitchens and parents still pull this garbage. Kid’s don’t belong in a true brewery anymore than the do a proper bar. If its a brew pub set up I don’t have an issue, because it’s basically a restaurant like noted above. I don’t get hammered at your kid’s soccer game so please

Confirmed. See, McConnell, Mitch

“Nobody in the city of Tampa wants this monument, but it and the decision belong to Hillsborough County”

From as soon as some of us were able to drive my friends and I used to go to Wednesday all you could eat wings at a local wing joint. I could easily put away 40 wings and not blink and got all the way up to 66 wings during one of our impromptu wing eating contest. I was 165lbs. Now I feel like death If I eat even

Hawaii is awesome but I don’t get why it’s necessary in the scenario. Visiting there is already the equivalent cost wise of visiting a foreign country and they really don’t add anything vital. The only thing that would change if you leave it out is you would presumably need a passport to visit.

I used to love me some mini-maps but after getting into Minecraft a while back I turn them off whenever possible/applicable. I really enjoy the exploration aspect of games now compared to the get through the game as fast/efficiently as possible mindset I had when I was younger.

Looks like a better version of Viva Pinata