
+1 and a trip to Space Mountain...WOOOOO!

Helpful reader critique: You guys seem to think that using the word “dong” for home run is funny. It is not funny.

Fuck off Redford. We want Marchman.

Update (5:06 p.m.): Reports are now coming in that “John 3:16" was written with red marker, and not actual blood, as was originally reported

He’s hanging in there...

He did it in front of the mirror so it was actually 61:3 nhoJ

Hernandez learned everything he knew about the Bible from Tim Tebow, which explains why his understanding of it was incomplete.

This is a stunning revelation.

The Undertaker retiring hit him really hard.

Jeez. Wrestling fan until the end.

True Detective: Season Three

At last, an owner predisposed to accept 4th or 5th place.

AI was nowhere near the dumpster fire on defense that is IT. IT is by far and away the worst defender in the league. He’s so good on offense that he is still a net positive, but not a huge one. AI was undersized and not a great man to man defender, but got tons of steals and was an adequate team defender.

“Take that data”

And the father of the child has announced that his pelvis is almost fully healed.

You are a crazy person.

I’m far from an NBA junkie, but couldn’t some of this be attributable to the fact that the Celtics’ best player is a 5'9" (listed height!) guard? Without some kind of well-established big man to go along with that, teams who rely on a small guard to do everything just don’t usually fare well in the playoffs. Like,

His lawyer is even trying to get him off on this one too!

Can 2017 get any worse?!

What? Did he spill a drink on himself and have to teach himself some respect?