
“Well somebody’s having a good night. Again, a very tight call...”

Patrick did you give the Grizzlies an extra 2 points for the coach’s post-game savage dunk? Game score seems off

Ya, I agree it sucks that the Sonics moved (I hate it when any team, especially one with a long legacy, is relocated).

You know what I would do if I had a net worth of $29 billion?

Any fucking thing I wanted.

It’s almost as if people die all the time every year...

They’ve got a history of using work-release prisoners to cheat, so that makes sense...

You followed the second trial closely? I can’t image less on the line. What are you doing with yourself these days?

So in the end, he murdered Odin Lloyd for NOTHING?

And people laughed at me for not dropping him from my fantasy team.

Well now maybe he can move on in peace with his life . . . sentence.

This is the most unAmerican bullshit I’ve ever seen. The top five lawn games should not include any entries that require you to set your beer down to participate in them.

1. Original Metal Tipped Lawn Jarts......end of discussion.

Yes, it is at least to some small degree a real indictment of his character that he’s so petty and cheap that he asks people to make fake memorabilia to sell because he doesn’t want the people paying for his game-used helmets to actually get his game-used helmets because he wants to keep them for himself. If he

Eli’s just upset these messages were intercepted, but really he shouldn’t be surprised.

They were in a six year relationship that ENDED in 2015. That means it started in 2009. It is now 2017. Can you possibly see how there might be a 7 year old? Holy shit, either you are really fucking stupid or you tried too hard for a Trump joke. Or both.

And the hits keep coming, except at Citi Field.

Sanchez also provided Reyes’s browser history, which listed several Google searches for “Home/Away splits.”

Sounds more like a platoon family than a backup family.

Sanchez told the Daily News that she and her daughter were Reyes’ “road family,”