
Where has being better than them gotten us?

It’s just the way the world works. No, nobody has ever actually carried one of these threats out, despite how common they are (pick a cause in the past decade, no matter how minor, and someone will have gotten death threats over it). Yes, they are just venting. No, they don’t expect whoever gets the threat to actually

By telling him how much she loved him while he killed a bunch of gays?

Fuck how have we hit ALL of these already?

He’s done 15 too, but this list was created January 2nd. It doesn’t “warn of an impending tyranny”, it just takes things Trump has done, and put them in a list titled “things tyrants do”, without explaining why a lot of them are bad.

He just copy pasted it from

Fruit, because I’m sick and can’t eat anything that isnt mostly water.

God, I’ve been shivering on and off since Thursday night, probably the flu. If I didn’t still live with my parents to rush to the store and grab cough drops for me, or if I didn’t have a job with such great PTO policies, I don’t know what I would do, because there’s no way I was getting out of bed for most of those 2

Diablo 3 for the PS4. Got it for Christmas, and I’m having trouble passing T6. I need to farm some more.

You’re no true liberal.

It doesn’t absolve her of the crime, but it does absolve her of the punishment, or at least reduce it significantly more than it should be reduced by.

Not dying of hunger is worth quite a bit to some people.

They’re still alowed to, they just have to be explicit about it, instead of the unspoken implications that we have. I guess it’ll help naive kids who don’t know how the world works, but I can’t imagine many companies won’t just put “you are on call 24/7" into contracts.

I’m sorry, I really just can’t find it in myself to care about this. Like I know he’s not going to be a good president, but can we stop treating every single thing he does as newsworthy/the worst thing ever? Why does it matter who announces the inauguration?

I’ve got an interview for a promotion Tuesday after work. I spoke with a friend today who was up for the same position a few weeks ago, and she said during the interview they asked her what her role model was. How are you supposed to answer that? I don’t even like people, much less model myself after them.

I have an interview on Friday for a promotion. Not a big promotion, I might end up getting a few dollars an hour more than I do now if I’m lucky, but I’m still freaking out about it. The invitation just showed up in my work email this morning, and it’s been all I could think about all day. Anyone have any tips?

I was going to come in here to say this, but it sounds like this was only one of many things she did which were racist.

Home alone watching netflix, eating pizza, and drinking rum and cider on a three day weekend. I love New Years.

So you want to sleep around with other people, but don’t like it when your boyfriend sleeps around with other people?