Lucifer was great, and I can’t wait for the next season. It didn’t follow the comic exactly, but it was an incredible spin-off. Flash was pretty decent too. DC just seems to have really good tv shows based off their comics.
Lucifer was great, and I can’t wait for the next season. It didn’t follow the comic exactly, but it was an incredible spin-off. Flash was pretty decent too. DC just seems to have really good tv shows based off their comics.
I used to love podcasts, back when my commute was 40 minutes instead of 10. My favorite was The Black Tapes, an awesome horror podcast about a journalist who stumbles onto some seriously fucked up stuff that all seems to tie together. Upside-down faces, ancient conspiracies, shadow men, all of it. But we never…
It’s bonus season at my job (we get them quarterly), which means employee reviews. Maybe I should be happy that I’m getting a bonus at all, but I just don’t feel like I should be graded on how well I “Keep the customer at the center of everything I do”. Or “Diversity gives us strength”. How am I supposed to improve at…
She actually doesn’t have a legal obligation, since the referendum wasn’t binding. A lot of people post vote were talking about holding a re-vote, or just ignoring it all together, because of how catastrophic it’s going to be for the country.
Not racist, just stupid.
The way I understand it, successfully prosecuting a rapist is hard, and takes a lot of time. Even a clear cut rape case can take years to prosecute. The reason you report it to the school is so they can do things like move the rapist out of a class he shares with the victim, or stop him from harassing her in the…
Agreed. I had a major shock switching from dubs to subs and hearing his voice change to that of a little kid’s.
Don’t feed the troll.
People aren’t asking “why won’t republicans vote for Hillary”. they‘re asking why they wouldn’t vote for her when the alternative is Trump. Lesser of two evils and all that.
I have about 30k in student debt, but thanks to the high cost of living in my area and the fact that, for a brief month last December I was only making $12.50 an hour, I don’t have to pay anything. Of course that’ll probably change next year, since I’m now making a little more money.
The law only recognizes self defense if the threat of harm is immediate. If he was actively threatening her when she shot him, this would be a much clearer case, but because he wasn’t, very few places have laws equipped to handle the kind of passive threat he posed.
Kids aren’t a nessecity by any means, but don’t knock older children. They need love too.
I have never cleaned my house of dog hair, and I give him a bath maybe once every few months. On the other hand, I don’t let him roll around in filth either. It’s not like they naturally smell bad or anything.
You do have to spell it out though. If you hire someone to work on your house, you need to explicitly put in the contract you sign with them what circumstances can lead to you firing them, otherwise they can and will sue you for breach of contract if you just come in one day and go “nope, not paying you anymore, you…
I think you mean a Persian, since Arcanine is a dog, and Jasmine had a very large cat.
He doesn’t get the money until he wins.
It’s the legal term for what they’re trying to argue.
Kind of, but you’d want something much more in depth than that, listing the various things you’re allowed to do to a student as punishment for their various crimes. For instance, state law probably prohibits smoking pot, but your university probably doesn’t give a damn.
Yes. This is how contract law works. Things need to be spelled out in detail, otherwise they’re not considered part of the contract.
Breach of contract. They made a rule, then retroactively aplied that rule to this student. They had a contract with the student to teach him/give him the opportunity to earn a degree in exchange for his money. If they then refuse to teach him/give him the opportunity to earn a degree without a reason which their…