
If you think this level of fanwank has never been seen before, you need to hang out on more message/image boards. has over 2 million stories. Forget 90%, even if 99% of those are crap, that’s still 20,000 stories to read on that site alone, with more added every day.

Shipping is the natural extension of liking characters enough that you care what happens to them. It doesn’t make as much sense with a near plotless videogame like Overwatch but, for instance, whether Superman works better dating Lois Lane or Wonder Woman is a perfectly valid discussion for fans of the character to

Stick of Truth was worth every penny I paid for it, just for the one joke with princess Kenny flashing his boobs. Everything else was just gravy. I’m going to love replaying it on the PS4.

Those were my thoughts too. At this point, the guy’s shown a bias so clear it’s going to interfere with his ability to judge any similar cases in the future.

Half that 46% is still 23%, almost a quarter of the prison population. That’s kind of a lot, in my oppinion.

What other alternative is there to recalling him, or at least raising enough of a stink that his recall becomes a credible threat? Should we just sigh, shake our heads, and wait for him to die and be replaced by someone else who may or may not share our views regarding prison sentences for rapists?

Yes, but it’s as bullshit then as it is now. That’s why drunk drivers barely get a slap on the wrist even if the cars they crash into have people in them.

I chose my occupation based on which job would give me money in exchange for my services. In two years, I see myself exchanging similar services for slightly more money.

There are a lot of books staring LBGTBQ+ characters out there, you’re not really giving us much to go on.

No, it would have totally resulted in friction wounds if the rope was pulled past her neck at high speeds. That is the very definition of “rope burn”.

The article says the burn is from a system where the kids pulled a rope in order to raise a basket. The only way that’s possible is with a pulley of some kind, which would keep the rope taut.

I wasn’t told this as flat out as you were, but I have been informed it’s a shit-ton easier to get a job when you already have one than when you don’t.

Does there need to be? If you take time off of work, that’s just naturally going to hurt your carrier. People at work have opportunities you, who are not at work, do not. It’s not a punishment It’s just the result of not being at work.

Hire and train a temp worker who won’t be up to speed for months.

Wouldn’t it still be a source of stigma because children are optional?

They would still look worse for taking it, even if it was required. You take a year off of work, your prospects are going to shrink, no matter why you took it. Then the fact that you have kids is going to make it even harder to catch up to those who didn’t take all that time off, and there’s really no way taking leave

If anything, it would be an MRA issue, since chickens have cocks but no vaginas.

An entrepenuer should take all the risk, and get all the reward. If they’re asking anyone else to take risk with them, they need to offer proportional reward, like an iron clad contract promising profit sharing or stock options.

I know what you mean, but I heard the exact same math being used to predict The Last Airbender would be a success. Large fanbases don’t garuntee profits on movie spinoffs.