
You’re right. We should all be as rigid and humorless as you.

In the court of Mob Justice, “alleged” has no meaning.

First trailer for Three Billboards should be on the list if not too it.

“Trump-supporting cunt.” Yeah, you should go home now.

Does this flurry of Franken apologists have anything to do with the fact Tweeden is right wing? None of these stories are about her, they’re all about how “clearly” sorry Franken is, and giving him a pat on the back for admitting it.

Bowling leagues typically never have a 16-team bracket playoff system for championships. Rather, the typical 32- or 33-week league season is divided into three 10-week rounds consisting of 9 weeks of round-robin matches (a match consists of a three game series) between teams, where a set number of points (a

So, all those multi-millionaire Hollywood stars and execs, Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, Wall Street bankers, and sports team owners who emphatically did not vote Trump, are not part of the elite?

I guess it sort of makes sense that a show about an abusive boss who is redeemed by the end of the show despite never changing would be made by an abusive boss.

I fear the sentence, ‘As of press time ______ has not been accused of being a sex creep.’, will now be added to the end of every political/celebrity story for the foreseeable future.

A smug elitist Ivy League comedian with a habit for groping was our only hope of beating Trump?!?

Come off it. Both sides are full of scum. The GOP and Democratic Party need to be obliterated.

And it was only a few short days ago that some of you lot were arguing against me and saying ‘Franken for 2020'.

When I first heard about this I figured it was probably in 1978 when the entire cast and staff of SNL were coke-addled comedy rock stars. I’d be surprised if anyone but Gilda WASN’T groping people. But this was only 11 years ago.
So thus ends the political career of the only person I believed could beat Donald Trump.

It’s not like Louis C.K.’s “apology” was much better despite being longer.

Did anyone really expect Al Franken to be any different from any other privileged Hollywood jerk man?

This really needs the image for context. She’s wearing a flak jacket and I’m not sure it qualifies as a grope. Not to belittle the story, I wan’t there, she sounds like she’s went through an ordeal but context is a pretty critical element of this. Sexual assault is a powerful term. Please look at the picture before

Did anyone really expect Al Franken to be any different from any other privileged Hollywood jerk? Perhaps the voters in Minnesota will drive him from office. I doubt he would go on his own.

Are you guys not allowed to post the picture from the KABC article or something? It feels incredibly relevant to the topic at hand, much more so than Franken flashing some shin in an interview.