
Safer alternative. Starchaser. Shoots a sticky widget onto the vehicle that has GPS tracking. Back off and when the vehicle stops, nab them.

Battery “range” isn’t what it needs to be. Recharging speed isn’t what it needs to be. The recharging stations are not enough for an “all” EV fleet. The POWER GRID isn’t what it needs to be.

President Eisenhower said it best.

And a lot of super charger stations have off site DIESEL generators because the grid can’t handle the load!

Let me fix that headline for ya.

Every vehicle I’ve owned since 1982, has had a manual transmission. I like manual, I love to drive. I even talked by boss into getting me a manual transmission company car. Especially in the snowy weather, they are nice because you can start in 2nd gear and not slip & slide so much.  Also, since so many people today

Until my dad retired from the auto sales business after 33 years, I never bought a used car.  Why not?  I could trade a 3-4 year old car and get a new one for about the same monthly rate.  Once he retired, I haven’t bought a new one since.  Heck, the minute you drive it off the lot, it loses a lot of value.  Couple

Darwin thinning out the gene pool...

Personally, I wish they would go back to analog controls instead of all this touch screen nonsense.  Jacks up the price, it can go haywire at any time requiring a software fix, not to mention at times you would need to take your eye off the road to touch the correct spot on the screen.  With knobs, buttons and dials

Wish Chrysler would do the same thing with the Charger/Challenger drivers I see on videos doing street takeovers.

Kind of reminds me in the 70's during the first “oil embargo”, the cars of the early 70's were HUGE, and all of a sudden cars like the Chevy Nova, Ford Pinto etc started popping up along with the small Japanese imports.

In my mid 60's...STILL driving a Mustang, manual transmission!

Please NO!  So tired of reboots & remakes.  Come up with something new and leave the old shows ALONE!

As much fun to watch as the 11'8" bridge videos

Just lock her up already, and throw away the key...just a new spin on the ldiot Sov-Cit craze

I guess with the younger set, not “raised on ICE” vehicles will like this.  But other than collectors, car guys will laugh this off.  Sub woofer speakers to mimic the sound & vibration of a REAL hemi engine?

I’ve owned manual transmissions since 1982. My boss even provides a vehicle for my job and I’ve always “demanded” a manual transmission. He asks why and I say because I pay more attention to DRIVING with a manual.

Here is one that ISN’T a myth.  That photo of the school bus.  Ever wonder what the three black stripes along the side are for?  The bottom one is the level of the floor, the second one up from the bottom, is the bottom of the passenger seat, the top one is the top of the seat.  It’s suppose to be in case a fire

Personally, I’d like to see these companies go back to making “pickup” trucks instead of these land yachts they make now.  Anyone that is a farmer has to shell out upwards of 80,000 for a “farm truck”.  They don’t need all that room, all the do-dads and what not.  Between the other land yachts (SUV’s) and these things

Remember when AFFORDABLE vehicles use to be built?  Now, everything has to have 3,402 electronic do-dads, and cost upwards of $100,000.00