
I love how there is absolutely no care for timeline continuity in this show. they show us in the destruction of krypton in the after-credit scenes as happening "35 years ago", except that is…not possible. neither clark nor kara (or tyler or melissa) are over 30 years old. even if kara WAS trapped in the phantom zone

"(how exactly did Aida teleport him out of the collapsing Russian base without killing him via his body being yanked out of the machine, again?)"
pretty sure it was shown that AIDA teleported the whole equipment from the russian base to the shield base. that was why there was so much water when they arrived

and how they made sure that Jane had scenes meeting all the other husbands at some point, but not Perry until the very end

I'm still not sure whether or not she used the vibrator on Bud. that couldve been an interesting subplot to explore lol

renata knocking on the window filled me with relief in a way i didnt know was possible

all my predictions (perry being the rapist, one of the twins being the bully) came true, but it was also exciting - and, honestly, terrifying - to see it come to fruition. the moment perry said the property manager had left her a message, i felt my blood running cold. i kept worrying it would be celeste - or, as the

Marvel INSISTING (or rather, hiding behind) that the problem with their low sales is that people "don't want diversity" as opposed to readers being fatigued with crossovers that last too long and change too little, their poorly-written attempts of diversifying their comics but not diversifying the people writing them

the person who decided to give Adam Scott that ridiculously ugly beard should be court martialed

if only the actress playing this Walmart version of Rogue was capable of expressing more than 3 distinct emotions in her performance… :/

but that's my point, though. Like, whatever original reason they had to bring the character in - and I still believe it was just so that Chris Woods can finish his 6 year contract - they failed, because the character is utterly unlikeable.

you *could* say he was added for romantic reasons, if it wasn't for the fact that since he was introduced, the show abruptly shifted its entire focus to him. he has had more development this season than all other characters combined (saved perhaps for Alex), and there are episodes where he has more scenes than the

"It’s kind of weird that there isn’t a stronger emphasis on the fact that Grace could have very easily killed Frankie when she shot at a dummy that looked exactly like Frankie. Everyone kind of treats Frankie like she’s being hysterical when she says she could have been shot, but it seems like a completely valid

more and more it feels like Mon-El was stuck in Supergirl for two reasons - first, to attract a white male viewing that The Flash and Arrow have and that Supergirl didn't (which of course backfired spectacularly, since the show keeps hitting all-time lows, and that's not even because it changed channels), and so that

the central problem with Iron Fist's villains (and Iron Fist as a whole) is that we know nothing that happens in the show will stick. Danny, Colleen, Claire and Gao are all already confirmed for Defenders, so they aren't dying; the Hand is also coming back for Defenders, so whatever happened, they will still pop back

at this point I just wish marvel would burn to the ground and start up from scratch like the damn phoenix they like to bring back so often

how did this episode get an A- but the last two got B-? Are grades being assigned at random?

"I’m just going to assume that Simmons’ phone has some sort of Stark Tech
battery that lasts for months on end because that’s probably one of the
least far-fetched things in a superhero universe." didn't she tell Will that her battery had been designed by Fitz, and it was meant to last for a really long time, though?