
How long do you think about what you're going to type before you type it? Or did you not watch the video? I highly doubt if you were in the fighters position you would just let him recover unless you're a complete fucking moron, especially in Texas.


Drive a E30 325is/318is hard and then imagine that but much much better in every way (except for the wallet size) and you might get the lust for it. OR if you can just drive a E30 M3 hard and see what you think after. Here is an example of why its great: Torsional rigidity; BMW E30 M3 - 23,000 Nm/deg, Ford GT -

That E30 M3 will probably go for $40,000-50,000. You probably aren't in touch with the market for that car but its ridiculous. Boss might not hit $70,000 considering some in great condition are selling for a little over $50,000. Alfa is probably accurate, i'm not too familiar with the market on them, I would say it