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Don’t think elon likes fwd

Im beating my head for not buying at the downturn. I bought at 210... should have trusted based elon musk


Because he’s a narcissistic asshole, that’s the sad part.

He’s not a billionaire (that I know of), but his surgical career and academic accomplishments mean money is probably not a concern in any way.

It really is amazing. I don’t understand why Ben Carson is not leading the polls... maybe he’s too intellectual? Politics in america never really makes sense.

Dude holy shit that was good, I didn’t want it to end.

Both this and the starbucks’ in Houston are probably the result of millennial franchise/business owners. Such irony can only emanate from the nihilism of the millennial generation who are driven solely by the idea of creating a purely ironic society.

Can’t go wrong when buying a car from someone who can’t spell “cruise” properly in an advertisement....

Playing DJ

Our transportation system and laws are a big can of shit worms. I’m totally with you, I wish the permit test/driving exam would be much more difficult because I see many people that should not be driving. In America most people don’t even understand how to pass on a two lane road and passing etiquette. There are

How is she standing?

Needs some sparco pole position seats and a foam filter for those ITBs but otherwise its perfect... maybe some wider wheels and tires for that 260hp. 9.8/10 would hoon hard.

Looks gaudy as hell. I imagine this is something Rick Ross would buy if he could.

Yup, Car manufacturers trying to advertise with "clever" social media stunts like these are fucking bullshit and most of the people in my generation agree. I think if Honda made a RWD Civic with the engine characteristics of an S2000 for under $25k and still get 30mpg more millennials would buy Hondas.

Holy shit, all your opinions are the opposite of mine except for the RX-7 bit. Do you like Audi's also? Can you do an AMA on how you drove an E30 and didn't feel any magic?

C5, C6, C7 Corvettes. My favorite is the C5 z06, it set you back about as much as a E46 M3 but was much faster.

I have a '91 318is. I really want to rebuild it to my liking, maybe put a F22C in it because good BMW 4 cylinders are way over my budget to build or buy (m42 to s42 or s14). Or I buy a Z4 M coupe, E36 M3 or S2000 haha. What E30 do you have? Also why sell the S2k? guessing practicality?

This folks, this! is why sports cars that save your ass are a bad thing.