
So your personal preferences and experiences are not so much about working out - great! I urge you to consider those are not necessarily “universal”.

Your feed is people that you voluntarily follow, maybe don’t follow people that post fitness stuff if you’re not interested in that.

Why is food or what you watch on Netflix inherently any better or more share-worthy than exercise routines?

Oh, but to bring this back to the original point: you (not you personally) are an asshole if you see somebody doing something differently than you would, and think that you, random internet commenter, know more about what this athlete is doing than they do.

Because it’s a free country? Lots of people, myself included, post photos or videos on social media of what we do in our lives. I like seeing what my friends are lifting and doing, and we encourage each other. Exercise is not a thing that must be done in secret. If you wanna post, post.

Funny how the default response for most is, “Just don’t do that.” Not only is nobody holding a gun to your head while demanding you watch someone’s workout video, they’re also not demanding you be a complete asshat.

all social media posts are self centered

you sound like fun at parties

Why is a fitness post “self-centered” any more than any other type of social media post? If your Facebook friend or someone you follow on Instagram posts too many workout posts and you find it annoying, then you can always stop following them. No need to write a snarky comment.

Lots of people.

I have no issues with Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard owning a building and I think they’re being really good landlords by not charging rent for April. It’s decent and I wish my apartment complex would do the same.

The photo above shows all the phones with Rayquaza in them. He was likely doing a “solo” raid. Since Rayquaza is a Level 5 raid, it typically requires 6-7 people minimum to win (though 9-10 is preferable) and is completely impossible for someone to do with one account. 

Beth, you’re getting really jacked!

Can confirm- trained on monkey bars for a Spartan race and it was a tremendous wake up call of doing just enough for the callus to form but not so much that my hands were burger meat.

this is the stupidest goddamn thing i’ve seen on this website, and I watched the entire video of Barry killing himself with scrambled eggs.  fuck

how would you even know who they support? you think only trump voters cause pollution and trash ? are you serious ? lol thats the stupidest thing i heard in a long time!!! way to generalize and be the problem lol

Too much commitment for you?

Try the “start at 1 rep and add” method where instead of choosing a low rep and repeating through out the day, you do 1 rep a day full stop.

for a while, (say, Two days) and then it’s 2 reps a day, and then 3 and so on..

Before you know it, it’s the end of the month and you’re at 16 reps per

Heh, my parents (I’m also Chinese) said about the same thing but more in the line of good grades -> good job -> buy house -> get girl (because of previous points) -> have babies.

They gave up after I started undergrad and discovered my inner man-whore tendencies. Their priorities then changed to “please don’t knock

I am in great shape, and I don’t go around looking for lame excuses to take my shirt off. Nearly everyone is going to see that action as a douchey move. The person doing it I’m sure doesn’t see it that way, but everyone around them does. It’s not really a position I want to put myself in needlessly. There’s a time and