
almost 400 games in comp, the toxicity on PS4 is pretty low. Most people like you are off mic.

35% off mic off comms(or in group chat, not talking to rest of team. Basically muted for all that’s worth to the soloQ)
35% off mic on comms
25% On mic, not toxic
5% On mic, toxic

Well, I do have sympathy for the insta-report. That’s just BS.
How could this be fixed so that the good players like your Symm don’t get unwarranted reports though?


Well it’s no different than internet gaming has been for along time, this is just such a heavily team based game that people quickly tilt and blame others.

The abusive people I’ve run into are by and large the bad players just making excuses.(which are probably by and large male because the community is largely male)

In a team game, it’s all about having reliable teammates.

It’s like we all know but REALLY wish it wasn’t the case. Ok nerds, we have to make friends now. xD

Same experience here, placed 2250, now 3055 because of playing in groups of 2-4

That knife kind of looks like a Sebenza.. and what about that flashlight?

haha yeah, “ummmmm.... just booty bump him!”

Overwatch! I gotta get to Diamond this season and I’m pretty close.

Maybe Trump just needed someone to speak at his level?

Right? without looking a the labels I though it was genji.

I have every chance to get a new phone each year since I’m part of a friend’s sprint corporate account, but that’s such a hassle to have to set up a new phone so often. At least for myself, I feel my galaxy note 3 is “enough phone” since it’s launch and everything above is just bells and whistled. I’ve had it for

Problem solving skills helps every situation.

Just resist the urge.. it’s like not buying a new cell phone at launch. You’re gonna be stuck with your decision, especially if you invested time into it.

BF3 & 4 were the last games that I bought at launch and well, most know how those went

But if you’re snowed in and warm, what else to do but drink?

Can you tell that to my friends who think phones are a yearly purchase? k thnx


joking aside, Pink Skull up there did have a point mentioning how most people my age don’t wear watches. I do, I mean looking at a dozen or so pixels for a digital readout on my phone is NOWHERE near as satisfying as a mechanical/auto. It’s just too bad I can’t

could have figured from the username :p

Zylbrad is the troll pick of the group here, he has some kind of sickness urging him to trigger everything in sight.

How much extra is that? Can I get it on the side?

If it costs too much I’d like to know if Costco offers them wholesale

Fried egg is freaking great man, go try it again. We have Fatburger in CA that offers egg