
I have the older Bluetooth cable and yeah, the battery is in an odd spot and the original clip snapped on me after a few months of use :/

I took some wire clips from other earbuds and attached them to my Bluetooth cable so I can actually do activities without it tugging on my ears. 

Glad they’ve made the clip more robust

Yeah people are just terrible for the environment unsupervised.

~a Joshua Tree local who was there, man

Thank you! I’ll have to give it a shot. Luckily I already have a spray bottle with Rubbing Alcohol for cleaning my desk

Thank you! I’ll have to give it a shot. Luckily I already have a spray bottle with Rubbing Alcohol for cleaning my

I have a problem with smelly shoes, hoping someone could help.

So rock climbers use tight fitting, often minimally breathable shoes, and usually without socks. You can imagine they get funky pretty quick.

Depending on the material, the shoes can still retain odor even after properly drying them; and washing them is a

I have a problem with smelly shoes, hoping someone could help.

So rock climbers use tight fitting, often minimally

Too much commitment for you?

Try the “start at 1 rep and add” method where instead of choosing a low rep and repeating through out the day, you do 1 rep a day full stop.

for a while, (say, Two days) and then it’s 2 reps a day, and then 3 and so on..

Before you know it, it’s the end of the month and you’re at 16 reps per

Whenever I notice a greasy sheen on my keyboard I go grab a napkin and some rubbing alcohol for a quick wipe. Been keeping a small spray bottle on my desktop for small cleanups like this for while now.

The few anecdotes I’ve heard of that say that the number of people who experience a psychotic break on psychotics, isn’t significantly higher than the number of people at risk to develop a condition.

Basically there isn’t significant evidence to suggest that these drugs would CAUSE a break, but it very certainly could

I find time in my office job to take 4-5, 15 minute breaks, which i spend walking to the top of the parking structure while browsing on my phone. Then at home I usually have at least 1 hour to watch media on my PC, there’s time for most people to dedicate 1 hour.

That being said, I don’t. I do two excercises at home,

As someone who never bought PUBG but followed the news stories around since early access, my impression is that this games is eternally buggy, in development, and fighting with other companies over this and that. Basically what you said above.

No thanks, Fortnite was more than just playable out the door. Is this the

Sushi, Seriously?

You know it’s part of tradition to eat sushi with your hands right? Pour a little soy sauce into the corner of your plastic plate and you’re set.

I don’t see how this is any worse than the TV dinner esque meals provided on longer flights. Barely any smell, barely any mess, doesn’t require utensils.

The top players may not like it but the general populace will. Most ppl can’t build anywhere near the pace streamers do, we’re all used to the hundreds of other shooters over the years not minecraft.

I myself have improved my building speed but I’m still relying on gunplay and movement about 75% of the time as a

Got a zero, then i tried the harder test and got a 7.

See Mom!? all those years in front of screens done just about nothing to damage my eyes!

I bought the game at release for 60, didn’t want to spend more for year 1 expansions. and then my concerns were justified when all my friends dropped off soon after I did.

asking me to pay another 40 is a big ask to give THEM another chance. No thanks, I’m having fun playing other stuff for almost a year now.

I moved the building commands to my mouse like many, though I put them on the scroll wheen instead of Mouse4 & Mouse5. I have to say having the building on the mouse gave me an IMMEDIATE performance boost instead of using keyboard for building. (I used the setup Cecilia does with ZXCV)

Scroll up = wall, scroll down =

So Blizzard is unofficially saying “Sure, buy a brand new copy ..you will be ranked where we feel you belong there sooner or later!”

That’s because your MMR is at silver and the streamer is at where they’ve been. So basically, what the article says, you end up where you left off.

You seem to think that everyone who goes 10-0 should be GM

Men will consider the mug warmer, but resign candle warmers to a feminine thing.

Someone please confirm that these two products are really the same thing and the companies selling them are just clever. #seemslegit

... Can’t we just put midday at 12pm always? it just makes sense... halfway through 24 hours, halfway through the day’s sunlight.

Hell, I can do pushups just fine but I’ve been so lazy about working out that this easily applies to me.

Time to start on that summer bod :/

“only hearing his side of it”