
If you can afford a Tesla, you can afford to buy a Chinese baby. Kidnapping not needed.

It’s kind of a perfect parallel. He’s got the brother who’s undeniably worse yet somehow wins more.

As a person who is in no way shape or form a trump supporter, to some of us its just odd that publications, on the same day, are posting “OMG TRUMP HAS NO EVIDENCE AND SAID THE ELECTION IS RIGGED HE IS A DUMBASS” and “WELL THERE IS NO EVIDENCE THE ELECTION IS RIGGED AGAINST HILLARY BUT WE SHOULD TAKE A SECOND LOOK

Meh, good shocks cost money. In this case, they come with the truck instead of me buying them from the aftermarket. I spend $1100 on JUST shocks when I was building my Cherokee a few years ago.

It’s not all that impressive compared to the fact he’s played his entire career without a brain.

Gawker is dead and a Trump presidency is alive. Fuck.

Even the article’s headline is misleading, sensationalist bull shit. “Elon Musk’s Self-Driving Cars” They know the precise dishonest (and borderline dangerous) misstatement that their headline is making, but they do it anyway.

The reporter is probably just copping an attitude because it is difficult to hold 1.) her hat on, 2.) the microphone, and 3.) that guy’s beer.

The new Mac is different than I thought it’d be.

Any decision not yet made by the Browns remains in a quantum state of good or bad. It is only when the Browns arrive at a decision that it is forced into a state of being the worst choice possible.

Saturday, October 13, 2001. The witching hour. A nervous and sweaty Bill Belichick shuffles cautiously into the intersection between two dirt roads in rural Massachusetts. In his hand is a small tin box containing a lock of his hair, a chicken foot, the bone from a cat’s paw and a sachel of herbs. On the inside lid of

I’m pretty sure Taylor Swift’s heart belongs to Taylor Swift. She’s the love of her own life, Narcissus-style.

How does it do on the European pedestrian impact test?

2 am in Florida, Feds including ICE agents quietly line up outside a quiet, unassuming white import shop. They place chains on the large overhead door which are firmly attached to the back of an acquired MRAP. With a solid tug and wail from the diesel powered behemoth, it rips the entire door and parts of the wall

I tried FiberFix. I was on the toilet ALL THE TIME.

I think it got cracked after watching Kim's snapchat....

Because idiot producers of reality bullshit shows are more interested in an angle they can package than in any sort of quality. For example, let’s say you wanted to mimic the success of a show set on the east coast- Long Island Medi maybe- so you decide on a west coast setting. What says west coast more than