
That ending was ridiculous - guinea pigs have terrible memories, certainly nowhere near good enough to be able to remember faces with any clarity, let alone reconstruct a scene from the past in full detail.

Try picking up a panicked feral cat

I lovedlovedloved her and still listen to all her old albums, but since Vespertine I’ve kind of drifted away. There have been some songs that touched me. Just thinking about Selmasongs makes me well up. But the last albums have been too experimental for me. Too hard to listen to, it’s so earnestly meant to be serious

I can’t wait until the White Gays finally stop complaining about Bjork and move on. Lady Gaga is finally! over and they’re upset that Bjork hasn’t filled the void. If you don’t hear a melody in Loss, you’re deaf.

I think the bigger question is, who’s the buzzkill in post-production who took balls out of a movie for gay men?

Taint nothing to be ashamed of everyone!

time to cook

M. Night?

I don’t know the original ending so this is a stab in the dark but at the end it should have been a cop and the cop should have shot him unrelated to other happenings. Just an example of the danger POC face daily. Is that it? If so that would have made it epic to me.

My grandma got me Crazysexycool and Jagged Little Pill against my mother’s wishes. My mother was shocked to hear me singing such sexual things. Years later, when I actually understood what some of those songs were talking about, I was shocked, too.

Your story is my story. I remember getting my parents to play it during dinner one night and realizing my mistake as soon as “This Is How It Works” came on.

Get Out was better than your average horror movie but I thought it was pretty overrated when I finally got a chance to see it. Seems like a lot of the ideas were half baked and the ending was just so forgettable.

I have a distinct memory of owning and loving this soundtrack, even though I was a 9-year-old white girl who had never seen the movie.

Let’s call one George and the other Michael.

I’m very close to just giving one of the third-party see-thru shells a shot.

sorry my man, no can do.

Bowser is totally hot.