
NHK was reporting that while the building had a fire alarm, they didn’t have a sprinkler system or a There was no fire escape installed because it wasn’t needed for the building to be up to local municipal code ordinances for office buildings

“I’d wager greater odds that the person that did this was a worked-to-near-death-and-then-fired employee”

this wasn’t a former employee.


I woke up to this horrific news & the Mainichi Shimbum/NHK are reporting that at approximately an hour before the fire broke out, a middle aged man purchased around 40 liters of gasoline from a local gas station, telling the clerk it was “for a generator”, and then loaded it onto a handcart and walked off. My japanese

Yeah, the overall XIV community are real gems compared to pretty much the entirety of MMO communities next to FF-XI. I honestly feel like they implemented the trust system as more of a way to ensure there were no more “Great Wall of Raubauhn”, like what happened back in Stormblood’s pre-launch, and you could just roll

If we’re talking the original Takatoku diecast toys I want to say 1982-83 (ish?), though there have been offcast/recast & updated/new designs pretty much ever since. The modern bandai/revoltech stuff is real sharp (not to mention affordable), though it lacks the heft of the the classic Takatoku Super Valkyrie toys w/

there are plenty of actual Macross Battroids, my dude

The fact that there is a product that exists on this planet called “Chillbo Schwaggins” is definitive proof that there is no God

The fact that there is a product that exists on this planet called “Chillbo Schwaggins” is definitive proof that ther

I actually forgot all about that being a thing in ESO, lol.

The desire/demand for functional 1st person in an MMO was like... the most perplexing thing. Like, I get that there’s precedent for it in the single player games, but like... that’s a reeeeally big liability in group content games and people just... didn’t

I’m glad to hear it’s doing better. I feel like that game just took far, far too long to get it’s sh*t together. I played it at launch when it was a sub-game w/ my gaming clan back before it went B2P, and the MSQ was honestly genuinely enjoyable, but it just had so many late-game issues that it just never managed to



Playing MHW & Farming for a Xeno’jiva Horn that I swear to god will never drop no matter how many heads I break in the process. At least I can always funlance while I wait to make Perdition’s Hand, but JESUS the drop rate on that sh*t is THE WORST

I commented because I think something like this is important in nerd communities, especially when people who feel strong enough/safe enough to openly come forward to name or confront abusers, because there are PLENTY of people who DON’T feel safe to come forward or talk openly about their experiences.

I’m not sure why

slang/terminology used by some trans people. Stealth generally = someone who can very easily pass for Cis & simply either chooses to not to openly disclose their status in their day to day lives for personal reasons, or more commonly as a survival strategy, i.e: they might live or work in a really hostile environment

why so hostile?

I immediately took that good puppo to the Rotten Vale. All the chewy bones for the best boy!

“Why on earth would you NOT name that person here?”

I’m glad to see something like this. I used to be a yearly staffer at a number of big national cons( Otakon, AX, Katsu, etc), & I stopped going to most of them alltogether because a prominent con-scene artist (who will not be named here) drugged and molested one of my closest friends, and she never saw justice because

I prefer the JP name: Koopa-hime