
“Build us a Final Fantasy-flavored slum and I will live under a box, as long as I don’t have to fight for it.”

Uh...that already exists, Mike: Apartments. You (and a whole lot of other players) seem to have forgotten that this’s been A THING for a while now.

Here’s a refresher: Apartments were introduced back in

FF-XIV, The game all your lady-friends have been trying forever to get you to come play, Riley (we’re aware you have Zero time for mmo’s anymore, though that’s never stopped Fahey so not sure what your excuse is lol) :v

Been prepping my crafters in advance, as patch 4.1 Launches on tuesday, adding an entirely new

I mean, Madhouse is one thing, but let’s be honest, JC Staff is a ~REALLY EXCELLENT STUDIO~ as well, so its nothing to be worried about

Now playing

Currently: The new(est) ADULT. record, ‘Detroit House Guests’

Gosh, wouldn’t it be awesome if they actually killed each other each week, and at the end of the season they had to fight starving lions and then the winners died of Malaria?

That would be so sweet...

Indigenous people’s tattoos on clueless white people: yes
Solid blackout tattoos: no

They’re not the same thing, friendo.

I’m a big McReaper proponent <3

Now playing

Brian, you’ve basically just tried to give credibility to someone arguing that “animators lifted XXX scene straight out of Jojo’s!” like its a huge revelation, when literally everyone in the j-animation industry inserts references from Jojo’s because its a THING that you DO, lol. Everyone immitates each other’s work

Like literally all of your other friends, Riley , FF-XIV’s new expansion ‘Stormblood’ (HINT HINT). Its suuuuper good, ask Fahey. K just hit max level on 3 classes simultaneously (because she’s an overachiever), so I finally have a 70 tank to spam ex-dungeons/ex-primals with while we wait for the rest of my slow

Its pretty unfortunate because the demand is definitely there, but similarly to anime, for every 1 series liscened for release in the US there are 40 or 50 series that will (probably) never see a western release, and like its stated above, an unfortunate majority of “official” translations are just absolutely awful.


Grind harder :3? But seriously, its stupid easy to level these days. Palace of the dead & PVP are your bread and butter if you want to bring a class up fast. even before pvp gave exp, I took Machinist from 30-60 in 2 days of POTD grinding, and these aren’t like, 20 hour white knuckle pee-ion-a-jar mmo-gamer stereotype

The best thing I experienced today was some of the people who had managed to clear the main-story missions (that are totally broken, keeping people from advancing) had figured out a geometry glitch (involving 2-seater mounts) that allowed players to bypass an otherwise impassable barrier, so that while they couldn’t

For a hot second there, I thought someone had shopped Michael Cera into that photo to imply how awkward it was. 

but no, it turned out to be Barron. Whoops.


Something you might not be aware of, but if a player has the new lucio skin and kills you, and you have kill-cam on, your death highlight plays smooth jazz in the background :3

I can’t even deal with Lucoa XD

Speaking purely from the standpoint of an adult queer woman, my girlfriend and I ~LOVED~ this show and found it tremendously, hopelessly endearing.

Its sort of funny to hear someone say that they found it to be so offensive. I found ‘the service’ to be largely a satire of the existing genre of fan service oriented

Riley! you, Me, K, and Rose should roll some 4 stacks this weekend on Overwatch (now you know who this is ehehe)


The Manga is a whoooo~oooole lot better.
The Animu is.. ehhh... S2 is especially bad.