
yeah I love that thing. It looks reasonably menacing when wielded with a suit of power armor, though I still prefer my Mighty Super-Sledge :3

Yeah, the ol’ up & over ^__^. I really miss those days. the machnima ‘Noggenfogger: the movie’ was my catalyst. I spent an inordinate amount of time in that game geometry climbing or glitching through terrain.

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The “hidden zone mystery”!... that everyone already knew about (and extensively documented) like 5-6 years ago. Old news is old. Back in my day we didn’t have these newfangled flying mounts and magical gateways.

No sir, we geometry climbed the old fashioned way: using levitate, noggenfoggers, & engineering tricks!

Its a rough read but quite excellent. kinda reminded me of some of Derek Kirk Kim’s early work (‘same difference’, etc). I’m mixed and am white passing, while my older sister looks more Asian, and neither of us look like our father. Lots of echoes of things we’d rather forget our childhood in this book.

The Manga is really effin’ silly, so I have high hopes for this one

I don’t know why people are flipping out so hard about this. KSI, the YOGS, the whole Polaris gaming crew... they make videos of them playing games for a living and are super entertaining. they all also raise tons of money for charity every year, too. They work their asses off behind the scenes and I’m glad they’re



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if any of you are old enough to remember the Noggaholic days, well, kudos to you :3

There's all sorts of stuff tucked away in the game files, some of it previously reachable in the live game, although much of the cata world-revamp did away with these areas. A few years ago, I lead a 'world exploration guild' called 'The Explorer's League" in the slow period between LK and Cata. We pretty extensively

Ugh... the Summer Season, once again typically full of fillery-garbage. However, my misgivings aside, I would like to state, that as a fan of the manga, the anime adaptation of 'Tokyo Ghoul' is WAAA~AAAY better than I thought it would be. Visually/feel wise its like Kurozuka + Death Note + Shingeki no Kyoujin. Very

Ugh... the Summer Season, once again typically full of fillery-garbage. However, my misgivings aside, I would like to state, that as a fan of the manga, the anime adaptation of 'Tokyo Ghoul' is WAAA~AAAY better than I thought it would be. Visually/feel wise its like Kurozuka + Death Note + Shingeki no Kyoujin. Very

Ugh... the Summer Season, once again typically full of fillery-garbage. However, my misgivings aside, I would like to state, that as a fan of the manga, the anime adaptation of 'Tokyo Ghoul' is WAAA~AAAY better than I thought it would be. Visually/feel wise its like Kurozuka + Death Note + Shingeki no Kyoujin. Very

Ugh... the Summer Season, once again typically full of fillery-garbage. However, my misgivings aside, I would like to state, that as a fan of the manga, the anime adaptation of 'Tokyo Ghoul' is WAAA~AAAY better than I thought it would be. Visually/feel wise its like Kurozuka + Death Note + Shingeki no Kyoujin. Very

Ugh... the Summer Season, once again typically full of fillery-garbage. However, my misgivings aside, I would like to state, that as a fan of the manga, the anime adaptation of 'Tokyo Ghoul' is WAAA~AAAY better than I thought it would be. Visually/feel wise its like Kurozuka + Death Note + Shingeki no Kyoujin. Very

Ugh... the Summer Season, once again typically full of fillery-garbage. However, my misgivings aside, I would like to state, that as a fan of the manga, the anime adaptation of 'Tokyo Ghoul' is WAAA~AAAY better than I thought it would be. Visually/feel wise its like Kurozuka + Death Note + Shingeki no Kyoujin. Very

It should be noted that 'Sidonia no Kishi' is created by Tsutomo Nihei, author of the cult cyberpunk manga BLAME!, and is being animated by Polygon Pictures, who, among other things, are responsible for the Star Wars: Clone Wars TV series. A lot of sites (crunchyroll, etc) have been touting it as 'yet another

I wouldn't say its 'every mmo ever', as Eve isn't like every MMO ever. It's not World of Warcraft or its army of themepark clones.

I'd warrant the comments likely stem from a place of good humor. That and the fact that on its face, Eve on the on the day-to-day (outside of the grand spectacle of fleet/roving

the problem with the current "model" of MMO's is "how can we be more like Warcraft" and that's a terrible model. Everyone is imitating and nobody is innovating. WoW took the mmo genre, formerly an exclusive niche genre for sun-phobic neckbeards, and showed the world it could be an effective platform for storytelling

I love how everyone is 'roughing it' in powerless future-america yet they all look impossibly clean shaven, with perfect skin & well kept hair and fashionable clothes. I also like the villain's great sharpie marker tattoo of his own name. Good job. I feel like I'm watching a more contrived version of Kevin Costner's