I thought the general wisdom was to say “eff off” to these people because they may just go ahead and keep asking for more once you paid, or sell the info to someone else while collecting from you.
I thought the general wisdom was to say “eff off” to these people because they may just go ahead and keep asking for more once you paid, or sell the info to someone else while collecting from you.
I don’t even see the Matrix code anymore. All I see is... blonde, brunette, redhead...
You’d wish that someone gets a taste of the horrors of war because he’d rather play a video game rather than sit around on the servers doing nothing?
I come from a family of American retirees, and had only flown American or Delta until about ten years ago. I gave Southwest a shot on a work trip and have never looked back. I’ve never had a bad experience with Southwest; not one.
Too many possible Freeza family jokes... must resist...
after a little bit of research
Some of us like to travel with enough goldschalger for the morning, thank you.
Texan hating mexicans?? NO SHIT.
Whats wrong with that accent? You don’t like it? Are you a trump supporter?
Not sure if he intended that name to be bragging about getting lots of women, or if he is the paragon of submissives.
Stop with the auto play ads! Please! I can’t surf Jezebel at work any more cause the damn ads play by themselves.
I’m not a big fan of Belamire gender labeling BigBro442
This is a good and true article. When we were young, everyone wanted to be like Rock Biter, with big, good, strong hands. Now the youngs don’t even know what a Rock Biter is!
I am a frozen yogurt-handed millennial. My father berated me until I developed a violent and terrible handshake FOR MEN. Now when I shake hands with other millennials (never do this, btw) I hear their knuckles crack, and then I feel bad because I am a weak-willed overly empathetic millennial puke baby.
In that case, it’s more fun to make the creations at home.
r/redpill’s gonna be all over this shit.
Which seems like such a good idea. Let’s give the most powerful person on the planet reason to say “You know, fuck humanity.”
Super-villains HATE him!