What a joke, you certainly won’t be seeing this pathetic pandering in a real WW1 fps like Verdun. Triple A devs are desperate for that sweet sweet cash
What a joke, you certainly won’t be seeing this pathetic pandering in a real WW1 fps like Verdun. Triple A devs are desperate for that sweet sweet cash
I would like to make a counter point to the whole realism statement, how its just a game and you can put laser beams in mp and it wouldn’t matter.
Dude...that’s not a bug, that’s working as intended. Mei’s pick rate in high tier comp has never exceeded 2%, now she just won’t be played. Ever. I see no problem there.
As someone who’s 2 most played characters by far are Reinhardt and Mercy, I really have no problem playing them 2 all day, I genuinely enjoy playing them. But holy fuck the team comps I run into man. Soldier, McCree, Hanzo, Widow, and Bastion....Who the fuck do I pick there?
Aaaaaand there goes my preorder. It is their right to ditch him because they are spineless cowards and are afraid, so it is my right to not support such cowardice and not give them my money. On a side note, isn’t it funny how Jontron got canceled from VA in a game because he made pro-white statements, yet when that…
Surprised the ban is only temporary. White people/christians don’t belong in the Middle East, Muslims don’t belong in America, simple as that.
Save us your fake hollywood narrative. The holohoax had at most 300 000 victims, mostly in the last 90 days of the war due to allied bombings, US reconnaisance planes never found images of any incinerators. Memoirs from US soldiers never mention any gas chambers and no one had access to the majority of concentration…
Where is JoJo? You can’t just omit JoJo from an anime list!
I ONLY bought a 2tb HDD for my ps4, JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure Eyes of Heaven, and CoD IW Legacy Edition
I would like to know where this fantasy land of high rof pulses exists cause I’d never leave from there. The META is nightstalkers everywhere, and snipers. A whole lotta snipers. To the point where people don’t even bother with primaries anymore, they just aim at a corner until you peek out and get insta sniped. I…
For me its the absolute opposite. Year 2 destiny is literally a nightmare for me, it haunts me in my sleep. I can get consistent 3-4 kd/s in titanfall 2, bf one, black ops 3 etc. etc. but in destiny oh man. Going positive against all those snipers, nighstalkers etc is a challenge. Barely play it anymore
Now, if this attention whoring bitch actually had some gameplay to back up her claims of not being an attention whoring bitch, I would respect her. She isn’t even prestige master, no hero, no dark matter, her classes are literally the worst I’ve ever seen (Man o War silenced??? no blast suppressor???) and her…