Are they going to announce a Collector's Edition sometime soon?? My money is burning a hole in my wallet.
Are they going to announce a Collector's Edition sometime soon?? My money is burning a hole in my wallet.
I am truly disappointed there haven't been any Yo Dawg, I heard you Googled Google so we..." or Inception "We have to go derper" comments yet. Truly, utterly disappointed.
AOL was a company that made coasters that they sent, free of charge, to every household in America. They kept on improving it with new versions.
This team's been idle since...god knows when. Red Dead was Rockstar San Diego, LA Noire was Team Bondi, so...I think maybe since Ballad of Gay Tony (or even right after IV) this team's been busy.
Package them up, sell it as a self-help book and profit.
You used Ice! It's super effective!
Try out Fall of Reach. Pretty solid stuff.
The BF3 tank demo literally made me say 'holy shit!' the instant I saw the degree of fidelity and the particle effects and the added sense that this was more of a war than what we've been put through in MW1 and MW2 combined.
Thank you all so much! Starred for 2/10 gawker media sites, io9 makes it a triple crown! (I'm going to have to do something really really witty on Jezebel)
chupacabra did it.
Gahhh Megabloks! I knew I forgot one!
I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the construction toy of his choosing? 'No!' says the man from Playmobil, 'It should be for toddlers.' 'No!' says the man from K'nex, 'It should be hideous and break easily.' 'No!' says the man from Bionicle, 'It should be freakish robots.'…
Too late!
When are we getting our Alpha Squad 7: Lady Nocture - A Tek Jansen Adventure movie?
Better than drinking CALPIS. Say that out loud and you'll understand. It's delicious, though with some seltzer water.
Not to be one of *those* guys, but if they're still using the script that was floating around a couple of years ago, it will be a terrible disservice to the original book.
Personally, I'm waiting for Android Baklava.