@persona-j: I won't lie, the genre is stagnating a bit. But with a new engine and maybe some newer, more innovative gameplay elements, theres no reason why these beloved IPs have to wither on the vine.
@persona-j: I won't lie, the genre is stagnating a bit. But with a new engine and maybe some newer, more innovative gameplay elements, theres no reason why these beloved IPs have to wither on the vine.
Split up the RPG duties, folks. One team make TES: V while the other makes Fallout 4. Get on it.
@Andreas Walther: Isn't the a-bomb the 20th century death star?
So long as the space/EVA suits are form-fitting, do we really need to argue here? Can't we all just get along?
@eaglen: Yeah, people's audition folios are INSANE. the wider the range you can display, the more likely you'll pick something up. (obviously). shameless self promotion. thick skin. persistence.
@Kenny: because he and his friends RUN their own boutique sfx outfit
"Yo dawg, we heard you liked Nolan North so we put Nolan North in all of your Nolan Norths."
@MagicTrackpad: Don't you mean...
@Snes: Right, because MacPhone or MacPhone Pro sounds so appealing...
"But there are other things that are moving along quite nicely, I'll say that much."
I can honestly say it goes like this: iPad dominates home usage, iPhone 4 for everything else (at work, on the road, etc.)
This is like being in my (imagined) high school all over again.
Sorry to be a wet blanket, but for $170, you could get like 5 Kicker HP1973's. Probably not the same quality but hey...35 bucks for something of the same aesthetic and awesome comfort!
@iScuba: i was about to say...they're taking this whole "we want to be like apple!" thing a little too seriously over there...
@yardameus: I was going to say.
@VoltCruelerz: Don't tell this guy.
I think my favorite implementation of this soundbyte is whenever its used in Venture Bros.
@HardwareWars: The enemy of my enemy is my friend?