@John Eusebio: You ain't seen nothing yet.
@John Eusebio: You ain't seen nothing yet.
@Adamskiy, as seen on TV!: Agreed. Its all about chemistry. When you've gone through like 20ish series with the same guys, theoretically you'd have the same report as Jezza, Hamster, and Capt. Slow.
@The Standard Deviant: Sit down, make tons of credits. That's the good life.
@boopadoo: Alan Wake is going on here.
@Nordin: Different movie but...
@CaptainCynic: Tell that to these guys
@SprinklesTDD: I don't know you, but you're dead to me.
Trust me, I'm a Gustav Holst.
@AlphaJarmel: Candy?
@wk1234: Maybe he meant colonial Virginia.
@uncle_jojo: Yeah guys, do you have some stats on readership and age. Would be interesting analytics on how many people literally grew up WITH giz.
@Andrizzleton: Quick! Someone make an infographic explaining why this is true!
@CCM333: If they could, Jobs and Ive would abolish the hinge, as well as other aesthetic eyesore simple machines like the pulley and ramp.
@Fociz: Yeah, man! And like, the Illuminati is behind Gawker's funding! And...and BP! So Kotaku also can't say bad things about the spill!
@Addzter: I'll tell you what makes them justice...
@A GIANT SMURF: An extra 360 wrung out of each customer over a 2 year contract? Of course they were taking out free wifi hotspot mode out of native 2.2.
@Blue_Six: You didn't think the Justice comparisons were appropriate? Or dubstep?
See you at the pahty, Victor!