Ezio and Altair approve.
Ezio and Altair approve.
I've got a Razer Megalodon on an x64 Windows 7. No sound whatsoever. Anybody else got the same problem?
@ID10T: Just wait for the porno spinoffs titled the same.
@CommentingpointlesslyisMeh: I share your sentiments, but probably not your optimism. Good on Tesla if they make it through their metaphorical "Valley Forge."
@sub150: It will depend on where you live and what your utility's energy mix is.
Aw snap, multitouch starcraft II time!!!
@teknomaniac: say goodbye to south korea's GDP for the rest of the quarter!
@Lupison: My back of the napkin solution?
@jShazBot: Also, say what you will about barren and repetitive wastelands, but i really enjoyed the planetary exploration. In 2, you get boxed in dungeons essentially instead of vast, open terrain...with thresher maws.
@Daemon_Gildas: You damn polygamists.
@LordChristo: More like Bear McCreary is the new Hans Zimmer but with tons of sitars and an army of taiko drummers.
@dracosummoner: Hopes and expectations could not be any lower, but I'm still buying it.
Sharper Image store employees everywhere just shed a single tear because their store didn't survive long enough to carry these.
All right folks, I'd like an Inception-inspired zero-g (or rotating) hallway map with swords and maybe pistols. Let's get on this ASAP.
@BeefSupreme: I wish I could promote this SO BADLY.
I've got my walking dead tv show, i'm over this. Maybe if it had come out a year or two ago, but after reading the last version of the script, I don't really have high hopes. :/
from the same source as above
The title of this post is my entire elevator pitch to an NBC executive. Great. Thanks.