My name is Nelson, I like to dance!

"We're making a darker, grittier pokemon for the next version. Think SAW or Se7en crossed with...Pokemon."

@seven5suited: Instant buy if there's a mode where it looks like you have a targeting reticule for the cars in front of you.

@Alex_Mexico: Uh, yes. Emily Rose deserves the VA/gaming equivalent of an Oscar.

@superbad: You forgot identifying the proper driving ensemble as well: leather cap, goggles, scarf, driving gloves...

@Dwindle: Oh. Yeah that is misleading then. Kind of like the Purchase Brothers and their Half Life 2 shorts and their purported budgets.

@Dwindle: I think they collectively share a RED video camera, which they have from previous investment. As for the airsoft, probably already owned or rented, and as for the effects? Well baby, that's just their bread and butter. Freddie Wong and crew specialize in budget, fantastic-looking CGI.

@NickFoote: Yeah. Silicate glass sounds redundant to me. Throw in an alumino in there though...now you're talking!

"Soy registered Infamous2TheGame.com back in April,"

@Mosaic: This guy's going to put you on notice.

@Mister_CrazyGuy: Don't forget they're directly responsible for the Iranian Revolution and the installation of an Islamic Republic. And you know, with a little help from Uncle Sam.

@valentine_nick: Knights of the Round FMV updated to modern-day graphics and effects would take 5 years alone of production with a staff of 200 animators.

@Handsome Al: "The banana on the character makes him rather Snake-ish."