My name is Nelson, I like to dance!

@fanboyps3: this generation is meant to last. People are throwing around the decade figure. I don't see that happening myself, but I think close to it. At least 7-8. Too much now in development costs, to make them, they have to be able to come out even and keep things affordable for developers and consumers alike.

@HowIsYourFlat: It will be the first movie of its kind where each member of the audience has to quickly and dexterously execute a series of button presses to reach a different conclusion.

@TexasAg04: They...won't like you when you're angry?

@bawj: Too many fine honeys in a world full of dragons and Charr and what not.


@RLGS HS: You die in the game, you die in real life.

@Murderdolls: Yup. It'd be an interesting exercise to take the fastest jet in the game and fly from one diagonal to the other and time it.

@snakepliskin: Nope, you're not alone. They're the gaming equivalent of hipsters.

@J.Bourne: I always pictured Sully as a stand-in for Bruce Campbell. Bruce is about the right age, just needs a 'stache and essentially plays the same character on Burn Notice.

@billnabors65: And if the studio considers him not bankable enough, fire up the Nathan Fillion for Nathan Drake petitions.

@Azndude: And if you're going for the assassination animation, you gotta be directly behind them (negated if they're turning) and hold down melee.

Gran Turismo 5, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Outsourcing the Creation of Assets.

@Cougarcat: Or, you could wait to pick up the Battlechest at a local Costco in 2017 when they package all three campaigns together, along with the original Starcraft and Brood War expansion.

Starcraft FPS/TPS-MMO developed by Bungie and published by ActivisionBlizzard.

@hatedinamerica: Still...they could have had some idea that people would be buying more than one item at a time.

@TheFirstBardo: But in Just Cause 2, you ARE the airstrike.

Whoa, on cursory glance i read that as

@Boldizzle: Everyone apparently is when you don a British accent. You know...like in Enemy at the Gates when all the russians have british accents...or uh...Valkyrie? When all the germans split between american and british accents?