Are you me? Am I you?
Are you me? Am I you?
For context, I’m a reasonably presentable woman in my late twenties on OkCupid in a large city, which means I get a larger volume of messages than I can stay on top of.
Cocoa or Fruity Pebbles. Next question.
I like that, I like that. Get this star.
Along with being banned from eating her favourite seafood on royal tours and garlic when in the company of the Queen, she has also had to give up another of her favourite meals.
This time, the guesswork comes from Amber Rose who, during an appearance on Heidi and Spencer (whomst?) Pratt’s podcast, Make Speidi Famous Again (again, who?), shared with the two hosts that she believes longtime Bey-Z friend, actress Gwyneth Paltrow, was the real Becky.
Nope. Winn-Dixie has flavored sparkling water that tastes better while being cheaper. I’m certain that at some point, it will be revealed that it causes some kind of damage to internal organs. Nothing that cheap should taste so good. Target has a decent line too. The taste is lighter though.
I didn’t know who...but I knew someone would.
Yeah, Pop Warner football and YMCA basketball stopped being fun when grown-ups started taking it too seriously. Doing this as an adult, and dealing with people like that just seems like bullshit I don’t need.
Oh for smeg’s sake...
I know very little about this show, but I think I’ve got a pretty good idea of what’s going on. I think there are ways to make this, if not better, at the very least, more interesting(?) (These are just ideas for a show, not my feelings about size, big women, etc. I’m spitballing here.)
Yeah. You just can’t “shut up and do as you’re told” with any and err’body. Some people take it too...damned...far.
Dump him. I’ve got hazelnut gelato.
1. Eat whole bananas
Sirius XM does the roach motel. That’s one of the reasons I ended my subscription. It was too tricky to change stuff on my account.
I admire the dude’s restraint.
Um...I enjoyed it enough to play through again on Action Hero mode and collect everything.