My boss here at an Italian restaurant does this all the time, i get 7.25/ hr +Tips but he gives the shift managers huge tip cuts after paying them out 17 an hour before tips. utter bullshit
Wait till people hotbox their cars.
Know I’m late to the thread but this is also a thing with the Toyota 2az-fe. I had one in my 08 camry and they also claim it’s the piston rings. Either way I came out ahead because Toyota replaced nearly my entire bottom end
In my ‘04 bug bought in Vegas a few years back I found a used condom, rolling papers and old bud I guess the previous owner forgot about.
The new beetle. For as much crap as it gets for it slightly anemic engine and questionable interior quality, they are fun cars to drive, especially the cabrio. My opinion may be slightly biased due to me dd a 05 cabriolet
Like I said, some people just want it for fun. Like a ls miata. Will you ever see your money back from converting it to a ls? Probably not but if you enjoy it why not
If you’ve got the money, why the hell not?
Who says you need that? I think the only reason someone would put a hemi in a Ferrari would be for hooning the shit out of it. In that case get some eBay specials cheep buckets and let her rip!
Posted that photo on oppo a couple hours ago. I got so much hate but I’d dd without that light bar. it's sexy
If you look close at the photos you can somewhat tell it's the Hyundai emblem.
One of my friends owns that car. it’s for sure post face lift
Happens to me every time I do
My bad, I'm just so used to America and how most cars come standard with slush boxes
I think nearly all cars have manual options over there. I just got back from Santorini where for taxis they have manual Mercedes. Honestly there's nothing more terrifying driving on a skinny road inches from a cliff with no gaurd and crazy taxi flooring it.