
The ads for this make me terribly sad. Poehler (and DRATCH, going through similar WTF-ness) deserve better.

BInged it this weekend and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Laughed out loud, frequently.

I made it a little farther, I think. Bailed after watching a plastic bag on a branch speaking with a CGI mouth in a room decorated solely in pipe-and-drape. Three decades searching for an analogy and Lynch was kind enough to finally give me one himself.
(I saw Eraserhead in the theater as well.)


Big red $6.99 stickers, top right corner, stacked neatly in a bin in the center aisle of the bookstore.

Donahue in its prime was fantastic - one of the only places where 'different kinds of people' could be seen by everyone as three dimensional human beings. Sensationalist sometimes but balanced, not out to shock (except the one with the model Tula - damn that was a funny as hell reveal - but it taught a lesson.)

It'd be easier with Beatle money.

Watching this last night I really wondered if I'd really gotten to 'I guess I just don't understand the young folks' humor' phase. I've only heard T.J. as a guest on various podcasts and other shows and thought he was delightful. On stage alone, there were moments but the meanderings went on just a little too long

(Of course, the world is big enough to share with luddites, Chet Haze fans, fish, and the lactose-intolerant.)

Imagine what kind of world we'd have if the concept of "better" as applied to things we enjoy didn't exist.
Damn. That seemed so nice in my head, and then when I typed it realized oh yeah: no inspiration or creativity.
I go with Pet Sounds because 'comparing' things with or to Beatles is the same as comparing things

Haven't seen it but it sounds very Bob & David…

I finished up the last few episodes of House of Cards right before 'Saul started. So I'm feeling…. suspicious.

I loved when his hair started going grey; it really changed the whole character of his face, gave an air of older wisdom. Which, of course, yeah.

You're angry when you're beautiful.

You know, I was going to type 'stutter' but hadn't seen the ep in a while and I guess I just thought I remembered it wrong; it just didn't look right for some reason. Anyway, thanks for setting me straight.
And Flagg is one of the best television characters ever. (And they never overplayed him, thankfully.)

Even when he had to inform Mark that his father had been an actor (who was pretty famous - every now and then I wish MM would google his guest ;-)

The mentally challenged soldier that was being bullied/Charles' learning-disabled sister* was another one. I watched all this stuff in reruns after school; some decades later I'm STILL tearing up at what they did, and in an honest manner, not 'important topic in the zeitgeist right now.'
MASH helped create the Very


Ohhhhh! You know, I never picked up anything in Lester that reminded me of Alda except his enthusiasm, but I can see how they could appear similar. If Lester mentioned the work(s) of others even half as much as he kvells about his own (and wasn't on the make,) he'd be Alda. Maybe Les is Alan's evil twin ;-)

You had TROUSERS?!?