
Hawkeye was an arrogant jackass (who I crushed on bigtime in junior high) Alan Alda, never in my memory anything but kind, engaging, talented, decent, and contagiously curious (who I've crushed on from then until right now and after. One of the founding members of "The Decent Guys Club." Good career, good homelife and

"Hostage Talent Show" kind of works as a summing up of this season for me.

Just wanted to say it was funny to follow sweet Monument Valley with TORMENTOR X PUNISHER ;-)

'Fear' is evidently a synonym for 'Not.'

I like it but when it's over I'm kinda sorta not averse to finding an old Everyone Loves Raymond. (Especially yesterday - before AG, I watched the whole Twin Peaks sequel. My brain was giving me the finger.)

Alright, which 12-year-old boy in the writer's room slipped in a goatse reference? (DO NOT GOOGLE THAT.)
Kid deserves a raise.

Next Season: Kevin Finnerty, Salesman.

The pickle man. (Crossing Delancey)

We need a network that is just 30 Rock/Kimmy type comedy. Of which there needs to be more. (Brooklyn 99 and Angie Tribeca don't count. Soy products.)

I will wait patiently for something involving Riegert and pickles. Extra points if there's an Amy Irving cameo.

I don't remember the tv ads, but the rock stations I listened to had ads. That deep voice from the tv ad, sort of sounding like HAL or the Bonomo Turkish Taffy guy talking about the movie, then 'I am C-3PO, Human-Cyborg relations, and this is my counterpart (?), R2-D2 [R2 'talking'] It sounded bizarre, kind of funny,

I have my fingers crossed for a Howard Stern.

A school built on top of a portal to ancient evil, and the bullied kids have to battle it? Really? Next it'll be cowboys in space or something equally crazy…

I can't do anything with Minecraft; it gives me a splitting headache after 5 minutes. I can play repetitive motion games, I can play games with sweeping or odd POV, I have excellent hand-eye coordiation, and on my days off if the weather stinks I can play for close to a full day (and by that I mean MORE than a full

I'd like an episode that explains why he's upset that his wife's scarf smells like either her or Gain detergent. Been trying to figure that one out for many months now.

They tried one in the late 90s, with Malcolm McDowell as Mr. Roarke. It was fantastic and cancelled almost immediately.

I can't remember if it was Maron or Hardwick, but one of those podcasts from last October with Norm as guest was really intense; I had no idea how little I knew about him. He talked a LOT about the bible in a very serious way and it was… surprising. I'll go with surprising.

Or more importantly, what she spent $90k she saved by going to Dr. Nick.

Any of them who starts a sentence with "So" when it's not warranted is forever dead to me, ac….tually.

I can't stand the dead-eye stare through Warby Parkers and monotone smarky (tm ME!) delivery of the 'younger crew' of MSNBC.
Conversely, I also abhor the over-PSYCHED network morning 'news' teams (CBS has an exemption here. Grownups.) Out of the lot of them, the only one with a glint in his eye that he gets how dopey