
Oh hell - NOW where am I going to be able to watch American Dad? Next they'll be taking away Family Guy. Bastards.

I'm viewing it as a plus. Loved Dr. Forrester and Frank but honestly, didn't pay as much attention to their segments in between the movies and there were more than a few times of 'okay, okay, now how about getting back to Joel/Mike and the bots….
I think episode 3 will show those who haven't seen it yet what a treasure

Aw…. crap. I can't find a way to put it so it doesn't sound weird. No but I guess yeah (Jan Hooks with a Bain du Soleil tan.)
Well, now THAT's ruined. Sure was funny, though. In a totally non-racial way.
Except for the makeup.

I hate him because I remember Carson from the viewpoint of a little kid watching a cool-looking funny guy laugh with and interview interesting people my parents knew of and it stuck with me. Leno… eh. Good writers, likeable guy, only really watched if something was preempting Letterman. I own a 'Tonight Show with


I think it'd be fun if they slowly 'grew' Jacob in the future. Maybe a little more teenager-y after his return from camp, starting to show just a teeeeeny bit of embarrassment at his title but his essential good nature and formality still there. And when Vanessa Bayer hosts the show after leaving whenever she does,

You'd think she'd have at least once seen the incredible Jan Hooks' version… "I love you, don't touch me…"

I love her, but yeah.

I'm a bit older, female, and not that into comics (could never justify the cost vs. number of pages of enjoyment, but you can substitute Star Trek mass market paperbacks in that scenario)(former bookseller - stores only return the book covers for credit, leaving the actual books up for grabs) but…. hey it's nice to

So…. single?

Adored it from start to finish. Storyline, dialogue (loved the 40s-esque banter too,) noir (!) and wow, the sets and costumes (are those terms correct for an animated show?) I'd kill for an animation cel of Archer and 'Mother' in Malory's office.

I feel so lucky to share that very same memory.

Things have been weird with the two of them ever since the whole thing with Tess. No class.

I'll bet she can smell the difference. They have to be eating more meat, drinking more alcohol, than the non-Saviors. Much more powerful sense of smell. That's just a guess.

Not to get too grandma-and-her-soap-operas, but also… we "know" these people. While of course fully aware it's a tv show, we on some level 'care' what happens to them.
(While enjoying what could possibly be the most misunderstood form of entertainment: the complaint.)

I just realized that the origin stories of the people in the other settlements would be infinitely better than Fear the Walking Dead.

Still trying to wrap my head around the fact that the Saviors and the Garbage People (aw… I miss "Heapsters") never crossed paths. The fact I think of as an alternative one.
There's just no way. I'm a Rick fan, I keep wanting to make him a Malcolm Reynolds in my head, but it's not panning out. His thinking is muddled.

If only they'd gotten someone else…. "Little boy blue…"

I think it'll work; I just hope they don't make Mudd quietly, snarkily menacing. Mudd's bombast and jolly demeanor that would crack for a moment now and again, is what makes the character such a classic. Meaning, don't make Mudd "shrute-y."
Hope it works out for him. He could sort of use it at this point, right?

This is the greatest thing I have seen in…months? Years, even. I like how they get more bizarre as they progress (SPARKY?? WT…) Japanese tv ads are something else.
He lost money on 'Tucker,' didn't he?