
Here, You must be thirsty with all that hating.

I treat Anime just like I treat normal TV .

so the ac:u slI flickering is our fault? You're the plebian, not us.


Early Acess

Mgs isn't on the top of your head, nor batman nor witcher, nor just cause, nor mad max. Your year in third person gaming will be Lame.. Booo

The woman with the baby Hit first, That woman escalated it into a fight. Your whole statement is moot.

I respect that. I watch my friends play it. You could pick a team, and when you max a meter out, you could press y,y,y b (instead of y,y,b) and they would be launched in the air and EVERYONE WOULD DO THEIR ULTIMATE JUTSU. its cool the first few times over. But its just an in game cutscene with damage applied.

Revolution wasnt mean't to have a story. This is why I skipped it. Every other year is a numberes series aka Ninja storm, Ns2, Ns3, ectectect, while the inbetweens were rehashes like Generations, Revolution. Generations and revolution is BS. Only buy the Numbered copies of the game

Hey mister. I bought a 60 inch television to use with a couch in my living room. Until the roccat sova comes out IM USING A CONTROLLER!

If oyu hsve sr 4 data on device, the boss will be that character.



Batman would never wield a lightsaber. Batman doesn't kill. He wouldn't even fight straight on.

You want people to play. You want people to pay for stuff. So if you don't hild their hand and make them good enough to have fun YOU DON'T GET PAID. If new players don't come old ones will leave.

Now playing

All I have to Contribute to this Conversation.

Nope. You just needed max or 1 below max strength. The crowd will literally say "it's his first time trying" if you pull it out on your first try. the sword isn't really good though.

Woah. you just can't compare video games to real life this time. In real life sword fighting, you can control how fast you swing your sword, the angle, the power. In video games, you press X and main battle guy does a set animation (same move every time) and same for the enemies (same moveset) in fighting games

glassing a planet is so much easier.

woah. Why does the scary man have to be black? Man fuck you for that one.