
Basically theese guys are trying to be the next Ikea Furniture Photographers?

This guy. Ive been saying that all day. This hurts her the most.

So he's racist for saying that White people are racist?

guys(girls). assassins creed=/= fallout3/masseffect/bioware games. Understand that Ubisoft only meant THEIR game when talking about how hard it was to mechanically implement female assassins. in mass effect, you have literally 1/3'rd of the animations you would have in that game than assassins creed. {and i bet you

Yeah, HBCU is on point.

i have over $200 games on steam alone

i have over 200 games :(


Nah bro. Not a parody. That (personally redacted) has posts dating to 2012. DEF not a parody when she wasn't even twitter famous back than.

which is why player invasions WHILE doing it makes it interesting. It got boring cause you cut it off. You cut the legs off the dog and got mad cause it isn't as fun playing fetch anymore. If you 100% the game and than turn player invasions on, you would quit playing before you even got invaded, or would patiently

its boring cause you turned off the best feature. Hacking is only available while you are exploring. Once you start a mission, hacking shuts off. You dug your own grave.

wait until they depict worldstar comments. That'd be true art.

I thought it said " watch DOGS parkour by expert free runners" as in guys would parkour while their dogs parkour too. Not the video game....