Hey, that’s an interesting point of view!
Hey, that’s an interesting point of view!
By having different prices across regions, countries with lower average incomes still have access to legal game purchases. For example, the minimum wage in Argentina is around $150, so buying a brand new $60 game is absolutely impossible. Valve’d prefer selling at a lower price (in a market that’d otherwise pirate the…
This was the important question I saw wasn’t answered in the article. Stadia really isn’t that great of a deal since you have to buy each game as well. If this Luna subscription actually includes all games shown in the top pic with service — that’s looking like a nice deal.
*mea culpa
Just that. Thanks for the post!
This. This was my single only problem with the repurposed quote as well and totally took me out of the on-screen trailer action. I could care less about the quote’s origins as it’s already well-known, but they just had to insert ‘street artists’ in there to be hip. You’re telling me the third-rung thorn in fascism’s…
That singing was uh.....really flat and off-key.
19. Vulnerable (not Vulnearble)
I was in love with Nelly Furtado throughout high school. Simply the most beautiful woman in the world to me, just kinda lost track of her once “Loose” came out (sorry Nelly, liked ‘Maneater’ but wasn’t a fan of the rest of the album).
To know that she’s still as beautiful many years later, centered, and still releasing…
Was this guy ever a “thing”?
“ [...] finally vote and describes certain hurtles some voters will face on November 8th.”
The word is ‘hurdles’.
IRL Cerebral Bore
This thing obviously leaked because some retailer broke street date. What I want to know is if the “PS4 Neo” is already produced and ready to ship as well, since it’s the SKU I’m actually interested in — but no one’s leaked that one.
Almost 29 here. I remember the fall of the Berlin Wall on TV.
Its bulldozing in late 1989- early 1990, specifically. My sister was born the same year and I remember both things.
Is that possible?
I’m using the Netscape. What internet are you using?
Quick! Something that rhymes with G-Virus.
oN THe eiGTH Day GoD CReaTeD TuRoK
Still remember it too.
Was the PS2 port of this exactly the same as its PC counterpart? Cause I remember playing the first two levels of it after reading a similar article and being *sorely* disappointed.
Exactly. I played through the PC/DC Gold version and only remember de FMV endings which I thought were awesome at the time (still do). The N64 version was simply inferior.