
Used to run both subs but due to well, lack of funds shall we say, I’ve had to drop Funimation. I have a few friends who watch anime so keeping up to date with the newer shows is a bit of a must for me, and while there are a few shows where I think the dub is superior to the sub (Black Lagoon and Code Geass come to

Very cool. I got into the game for a bit a few years back when I was in a long distance relationship, using it as a digital hangout of sorts but after that ended I kinda just fell out of it. Don’t have many friends who play PC and are into MMOs, my old MMO buddies usually play consoled now so maybe I can get into it

Glad to see some affordable Destiny stuff. Kinda wish the Hunter was a girl since my main was a female human Hunter, oh well. Maybe next time? I won’t be complaining having two Hunters if the second one looks just as good as this one. Last thing on the Hunter, is it just me or does he not have a second weapon, just a

Damn these next couple of months, my poor gaming budget. Horizon this month, Nier: Automata and ME Andromeda in March and Persona 5 in the next. Which ones do I get now and which other do I put one the list?!

That Gyrados is really on point. Will be looking out for one for sure, fingers crossed the price isn’t terrible. Did they have RRSPs?

Well going to check that for sure. I’ve always been interested in the plot of the game but I don’t do well with horror all that well, games or movies. Either I find it incredibly boring, when it’s bad, or way too damn scary when it’s good. The only games I’ve finished that I would dub horror are Metro 2033 and Metro:

*Hears music at the start of video* Goddamn this just makes me want to go and pop in Witcher III and play it...yeah just going to do that once this is done.

On a side note I’d love to have a nice big crossbow like Geralt has in this instead of the tiny little baby one he has in the game.

I actually watched the movie beside a dad who was with a kid, pretty young since the kid was on his lap at the end but I wasn’t sure of the age. I distinctly remember the kid being scared of Darth Vader in his first scene, and I’m pretty sure he was affected even more when he was basically a monster in a horror movie