Nickii Knox

you don't have to unroot at all, I left mine rooted and the prime perks will still work, just leave the default interface. If you wipe the default ROM (software that came with the kindle) and just make it a reg tablet then all you can do is add the amazon market but lose your prime perks. On some forums I have read

Speaking of the fire, has anyone successfully tethered the Fire to an android phone, I usually use PDA.net to tether my laptop while DH is driving on trips, gives me web access on my laptop, but I have not seen any tethering info for the Kindle Fire?

The Fire by default only has the Amazon app store. I wanted to add the Andriod market so in order to do that I had to have root access. So the big advantage for me was having access to both app stores. Some people also have wiped the Kindel and put CM 7 on it. You can pretty much put any ROM on it that works on a

The rooted fire works PERFECTLY with a quick fix called VooDoo OTA Rootkeeper. It essentially unroots the device so Amazon's content is able to be received on the device. Simple as a button-press!

You have to install OTA RootKeeper that temporarily un-roots the Fire. Then you can use the Prime things. Then run it again and it will restore root for you.

I have heard that the Amazon Video app won't let you stream video if it detects you've rooted your Fire. I don't have one, though, so I haven't tried.