
Yeah it’s bonkers. I only noticed it thrown in there because I’ve read up on Incels a lot and I’ve seen what terms they speak in. They view sex in the context of Marketplace economics, with the “Chads” being the “one-percent” who hoard all the sexy sex for themselves and with the “demand” (themselves) far outpacing

Awhile back someone mentioned he's turned into Frank Gallagher from Shameless.

You’re correct, they even created the bonkers insulting term “Incel Tier Girlfriend” to describe the women who willfully want to be with them but are not up to their standards.

I see the confusion because of what this particular story is about, but I’m talking about something else.

That’s definitely more thought than they put into it. They just want sex slaves

a broken sexual marketplace that is rigged in the favor of females.”

I first became aware that the 2nd amendment is for white people only when this dumbass group staged their “protest”to open carry their rifles in Target. I knew for sure that any black person would be killed doing what these goons are doing.

If it was only Kasich running in the 2016 primary against Trump I’m certain Kasich would have won. Trump always had a solid quarter to a third of Republican primary voters but the establishment wing of the party got split 16 different ways. If that vote had consolidated earlier on Trump wouldn’t have gotten the

You must not remember her debate with a Donald Trump where Clinton gave a full throated explanation and defense of the legality of third trimester abortion. I'm still not convinced it didn't cost her the election.

Oh my god who else are real good today? My boyfriends mom cooked and I’m food high.

And someone down-thread helpfully pointed out that Salvation Army and Goodwill do not accept or sell CRT TVs anymore.

Exactly, and when turned off there isn't much of a visual difference between a 200 and 2000 dollar TV set, so people conflate them

Lol apparently millennials aren't using capitalism right, the napkin industry must stay alive damnit!

It’s nasty combo of growing up in a more forgiving economy and becoming out of touch with both the progress of technology and the demands of the current labor market.

Taking a Greyhound for the first time to have Thanksgiving with my boyfriend's family. I've had Thanksgiving alone before but never with another family, so it'll be interesting!

Yeah I hear they are super toxic.

My father is 63 and retired from teaching yet subbed for a few years after and he got his sub assignments from a smartphone app he had me install. And this is a public school district in a mid-size town.

That was a classy move using the BOGO with your friend.

Do remember that sometimes people have things, and then circumstances change, they can’t eat or pay rent all of the sudden and thus need to go on assistance. Are they supposed to sell the nicer things they own at a depreciated value to buy shittier versions of those things that may be less reliable and become money

“Theatre of poverty" is an artful and fitting description